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For this challange we're writing a virtual machine(vm) and assembler. The virtual machine is not replicating any specific, existing, machine. The goal is to learn how a computer works at a lower level. In the scope of Go, this kind of project will show that it does have the capability of being a "systems" language.

The challange

The challanage is to implement a vm or an assembler for the architecture written here.

The architecture

The architecture describes features and attributes of the machine and its components (memory, paging, etc).

  • 8 bit memory addresses, instructions, and registers.
  • 4 general purpose registers
  • 3 internal registers that can only be accessed with the ADR instruction
    • PC (program counter) a pointer to the memory location of the currently executing instruction. It should be incremented after instructions that do not jump/branch.
    • FP (frame pointer) the base of the current stack frame. It is also where the return address will be stored.
    • SP (stack pointer) a pointer to the memory location at the top of the stack. A caveat is that the stack grows from high to low memory so, the "top of the stack" actually has the lowest address.
  • A program is copied into memory starting at address 0.
  • Address 0:
    • The first byte of a program (copied to address 0) must be a pointer to where execution should start.
    • after reading it for the first time, the VM should 0 it.
    • address 0 is also used to exit the program, by CAL-ing to it.
    • optional: during execution, address could be used for a few things, which are not assumed in the examples.
      • c-like errno
      • a status register for flags like overflow after addition

The instruction set

Now that we know roughly the architecture, we can describe the instructions and their encoding. Once again, the instructions are 8 bits. And for our instruction set, the first 4 bits of the isntruction denote the op code. The rest of the bits are used to denote 1 or 2 registers, or an immediate 4-bit constant.

mnemonic meaning op code r1 r2 imm c code
LDR load register 0 dest source dest = *source
STR store register 1 dest source *dest = source
LDI load immediate 2 const r0 = const
MOV move, register 3 dest source dest = source
POP pop from stack 4 reg reg = *SP++
PSH push to stack 5 reg *--SP = reg
BNZ branch if not zero 6 pred loc if (pred) { PC = loc }
CAL call function 7 loc ret see below
ADR mov from internal reg 8 greg ireg greg = ireg
ADD add 9 dest source dest += source
SHR shift right 10 dest source dest <<= source
AND bitwise and 11 dest source dest &= source
ORR bitwise or 12 dest source dest |= source
EOR bitwise exclusive or 13 dest source dest ^= source
OST output string 14 rptr rlen write(1, *rptr, rlen)
IST input string 15 rptr rlen read(0, *rptr, rlen)
// CAL
if (ret) {
    PC = *FP;
    SP = FP - 2;
    FP = *(FP - 1);
} else if (!loc) {
    // exit the program
    // and the exit code is at address 0
} else {
    *--SP = FP;
    *--SP = PC + 1;
    FP = SP;
    PC = loc;
registers encoding value
R0 0
R1 1
R2 2
R3 3
PC 0
FP 1
SP 2

note: the internal registers read-only to user code, and read via the ADR instruction.

The data structure for an instruction is a byte and it has methods to extract each of the possible parameters.

The calling convention

Implicit to this instruction set is the calling convention, or how functions are called and returned. Here are the steps for calling:

  1. The current frame pointer is pushed to the stack
  2. The program counter + 1 (in memory, the next instruction/the instruction to return to/the return address) is pushed to the stack.
  3. The stack pointer (pointing to the return address) is copied onto the frame pointer
  4. The "CPU" continues executing at the address in the program counter

At this point, the new function will run and push and pop from the stack. It should be noted that FP will not change in a "leaf function" (a function that makes no calls). In a non-leaf function, as we'll see, FP will be the same after the callee excutes RET. To execute RET the stack does not have to be empty, although, it cannot have POP-ed off th PC and FP values.

For returning, we just take the values we stored when CAL-ing and move them to the appropriate registers:

  1. The the value at the current frame pointer (where we stored the return address) is moved to the program counter.
  2. The frame pointer - 2 is moved to the stack pointer.
  3. The value at frame pointer - 1 is moved to the frame pointer.

calling convention diagram


The instruction set does not imply a certain calling convention, though it is easier to pass, up to 4, arguments via registers rather than the stack. To get more arguments passed on the stack it is possible to use ADR R1, FP and ADD-ing to the R1, or whatever register should be used.

The VM

The vm is a pretty simple structure. It contains the registers and memory for the architecture. The vm type will also have methods for Load-ing and then Execute-ing a binary. It is recommended that evaluation of the intructions is done in a loop with the Execute method.

The Assembly language

The assembly language should be familiar to anyone who's worked with assembly before. It has the following syntax:

(; [^\n]*)*
start (label)
(section (data | text)
((label:)? (directive arg (, arg)*)? (; [^\n]*))*

In english:

  • a comment starts with ';' and goes until the end of the line
  • the file may start with 0 or more comment lines
  • the first functional statement in the file must be start and a label with denotes the first instruction to execute
  • the rest of the file is 1 or more section blocks
    • a section block must be either text or data
    • a section block is 1 or more lines
      • a line consists of a label, directive, or comment or any combination of the three in this order

One thing to note is that a directive does not necessarilly align with an instruction. For example, data processing directives might be accepted by the assembler with an immediate value argument for the assembler to then generate LDI instructions.

Helpful hints

  • the xxd and xxd -r command will change a file from binary to a hexdump and back.
  • hex.Dump is similar, but as a Go function it might be useful for debugging.


A vm and assembler implementation






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