HMB is a messaging protocol developped by GFZ (link) allowing the exchange of data on the port 80. To easiest the set up, we have developped some utilities in python. Depending if you want to send or to receive data, you have to use, respectively, a the HMB publisher or the HMB listener.
MANDATORY. Before establishing the HMB connection, EMSC has to provide an url, a user/password, an agency name and a queue name. These information can be written in the config file or can be provided on the command line parameters.
Finally, the format of the exchanged data have to be well defined.
These scripts needs python 3.6+ and libraries requests and pymongo.
You can define a config file to set some default parameters and to avoid the usage of passwords in the command line or in scripts. In this file, it's possible to define:
- agency : so that the EMSC can identify the contributor of the mesage
- url : the url of the HMB server with the bus name
- user : the user for the connexion authentication
- password : the corresponding password
The format of this file (see client.cfg for a template) looks like:
agency = ??
url =
user = ??
password = ??
You can choose the parameters you want to set in this config file (e.g. only user and password, or only the agency, ...). Note that these parameters can be passed via command line arguments for the publisher/listener and the later overwrites the settings in the config file. Moreover if the user parameter is provided and not the password, the password will be ask.
The HMB publisher is
$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] [-t {file,fstr,fbin,txt,json}] [--cfg CFG]
[--check] [-v] [--url URL] [--queue QUEUE]
[--agency AGENCY] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD]
positional arguments:
msg filename or txt or json (read stdin if empty)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t {file,fstr,fbin,txt,json}, --type {file,fstr,fbin,txt,json}
choose the type of data to send
--cfg CFG config file for connexion parameters (e.g. url, queue,
agency, user, password)
--check skip hmb sending and activate verbose
-v, --verbose verbose mode
--url URL define the hmb url (server and bus name,
--queue QUEUE define the queue to send the message
--agency AGENCY needed in argument or in the --cfg file
--user USER connexion authentication
--password PASSWORD connexion authentication
-m METADATA, --metadata METADATA
add metadata information to the message. the format is
key:val. It can be used multiple times
The type of data can be:
- file : to send a file and keep the information of the filename
- fstr : to send only the content of the file as a text
- fbin : same as fstr but send the content as binary
- txt : send a text given as argument
- json : send a json
For instance
python3 map.png -t file --cfg test/emsc_client.cfg --queue EMSC
python3 toto.txt -t fstr --cfg test/emsc_client.cfg --queue EMSC
python3 toto.txt -t fbin --cfg test/emsc_client.cfg --queue EMSC
python3 "Coucouc ici" -t txt --cfg test/emsc_client.cfg --queue EMSC
python3 '{"msg": "send pure python dict", "value": 1, "list": [1, "deux", 3.0]}' -t json --cfg emsc_client.cfg --queue EMSC
where map.png is an image and toto.txt a custom text file.
The listener is and loop until user interruption. At the begining, the listener ask the server to get back the previous nlast messages. This listener is by default a multithreaded program, however for developement purposes you could consider the option --singlethread to use only one thread.
Since the HMB server works with a heartbeat system and should not be blocked by a long running process, the hmb listener and the message processing are in separate threads.
$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] [--cfg CFG] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--nlast NLAST]
[--queue QUEUE] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD]
[--nthreads NTHREADS] [--singlethread] [--nothread] [-v]
positional arguments:
url adresse of the hmb bserver
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cfg CFG config file for connexion parameters (e.g. queue, user,
--timeout TIMEOUT define timeout
--nlast NLAST n last message to get backNumber of messages to
backfill from the server
--queue QUEUE define the queue to listen
--user USER connexion authentication
--password PASSWORD connexion authentication
--nthreads NTHREADS number of concurrent running threads
--singlethread force single thread running (useful for debugging)
--nothread force no threading (useful for debugging)
-v, --verbose
One example:
python3 --queue FELTREPORTS_0 --cfg test/emsc_client.cfg -v
By default the message processing is defined in the file and the function to edit is the process_message. This function is launched in another thread and its return is not taking into account. Note that to launch a shell process in the function, the subprocess.Popen is a good option.
def process_message(msg):
"""The User should modify this function.
msg (dict): dict object sent by the hmb listener.
For instance:
msg = {
'creationtime': datetime.datetime(2021, 3, 11, 15, 5, 36, 695000),
'author': '',
'agency': 'EMSC',
'metadata': {},
'data': CONTENT
The script allows to search messages previously published on hmb queue using a filtering query. Unless you use the '--check' option, the function process_message is called on each selected message.
$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] [--check] [--url URL] [--cfg CFG] [--queue QUEUE] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD] [-v] [query]
positional arguments:
query select messages with query (json format, mongodb syntax)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--check only display results and skip process_message
--url URL adresse of the hmb bserver
--cfg CFG config file for connexion parameters (e.g. queue, user, password)
--queue QUEUE define the queue to listen
--user USER connexion authentication
--password PASSWORD connexion authentication
-v, --verbose
One example to select message with the sequence number 8210:
python3 '{"seq": 8210}' --url --queue FELTREPORTS_0 --cfg test/emsc_client.cfg -v
from emschmb import EmscHmbPublisher
agency = 'TOTO'
url = 'http://cerf/
user = ??
password = ??
queue = TEST
# Morever it could be usefull to attach metadata to the message
# For instance if the user wants to send a file, and wants make some information directly accessible like event identifier.
# The metadata can be None or a python dictionary... The idea is to choose few parameters... only if needed
# For instance
metadata = {
hmb = EmscHmbPublisher(agency, url)
hmb.authentication(user, password)
msg = 'a filename'
hmb.send_file(queue, msg, metadata=metadata)
msg = 'a python string'
hmb.send_str(queue, msg, compress=True, encoding='utf-8', metadata=metadata)
msg = 'python bytes
hmb.send_bin(queue, msg, compress=True, metadata=None)
msg = python object like {"msg": "send pure python dict", "value": 1, "list": [1, "deux", 3.0]}
hmb.send(queue, msg) # by default metadata = None