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In this lesson we learn all about backend frameworks and start writing server side code using Express!

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Intro to the
Express Framework
for Node

Learning Objectives

Students Will Be Able To:
List the Fundamental Capabilities of Web Frameworks
Create a Basic Express Web App
Define Basic Routes
Respond to HTTP Requests
Render Dynamic Views Using EJS

Road Map

  1. Setup
  2. The Three Fundamental Capabilities of Web Frameworks
  3. Intro to the Express Framework
  4. Express "Hello World"
  5. Basic Structure of the Express Server
  6. Auto-Restart the Server Using Nodemon
  7. The Route's Callback Function
  8. Request & Response Objects
  9. Ways to Respond to a Request
  10. Rendering Views
  11. Dynamic Templating using EJS
  12. Redirecting
  13. Essential Questions

1. Setup

  1. Move into your code folder:

    cd ~/code
  2. Create a folder and cd into it:

    mkdir intro-express
    cd intro-express
  3. Create a package.json using this command:

    npm init

    Accept the defaults, except for the entry point - set this to be "server.js".

    Npm init is used to create a new node project. Package.json contains metadata about the project.

  4. Open the project's folder in your code editor:

    code .

2. The Three Fundamental Capabilities of Web Application Frameworks

Welcome to Full-Stack development!

Unlike last unit where all of the code we wrote ran on the "front-end" (the browser), the code we're about to write in this lesson runs on the "back-end" as depicted by the green box in the following diagram:

Web Application Frameworks such as Express help developers code web applications that run on the back-end.

Regardless of which specific Web Framework we choose to use, they all provide three capabilities fundamental to developing a web application that runs on a server in the cloud:

  1. The ability to define routes
  2. The ability to process HTTP requests using middleware
  3. The ability to use a view engine to render dynamic templates

Over the next few lessons, you will learn about how the Express framework implements these three fundamental capabilities.

3. Intro to the Express Framework

Express is the most popular web framework for Node.js.

It is minimalistic and lightweight, especially when compared to massive frameworks like Django and Rails.

Express uses Node's built-in HTTP module to listen for, and respond to, HTTP requests - Express simply adds those three web application capabilities on top of Node.

Install the Express Module

Let's use npm to install the Express module in this project:

npm i express

Note that i is a shortcut for install

Create a server.js module to put our web app's main code in:

touch server.js

4. Express - Hello World!

Let's write the obligatory "Hello World!" application:

// Load express
const express = require('express');

// Create our express app
const app = express();

// Define a "root" route directly on app
// Tomorrow, we'll use best practice routing
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.send('<h1>Hello World!</h1>');

// Tell the app to listen on port 3000
// for HTTP requests from clients
app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log('Listening on port 3000');

Run the app:

node server

Browsing to localhost:3000 will hit our app's root route that we defined and return "Hello World!".

Using DevTools, we will find that despite just sending back the text of
<h1>Hello World!</h1>,
the browser "built" a minimal HTML document to display it in.

Using send() is a general purpose way to respond to the request, however, it's kind of like using console.log() - soon we'll be using more specific methods.

5. Basic Structure of the Express Server

In server.js, let's document using comments what a typical Express server needs to do:

// Require modules
const express = require('express');
// Create the Express app
const app = express();
// Configure the app (app.set)
// Mount middleware (app.use)
// Mount routes
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.send('<h1>Hello World!</h1>');
// Tell the app to listen on port 3000
app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log('Listening on port 3000');

Update the Route

Let's make a minor update to our root route:

// Mount routes
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.send('<h1>Hello Express</h1>');

Refreshing the page will reveal that it didn't work! This is because we have to restart the server, or...

6. Auto-Restart the Server Using Nodemon

nodemon is a popular development tool used to automatically restart the Express app when we save changes.

You may have installed it during installfest, however, you can make sure you have the latest version by running:

npm i -g nodemon

Command line tools are installed using the -g (global) option

If you received an error during the install, there's a workaround by using:

npx nodemon <module name>

instead of

nodemon <module name>

Now, thanks to the main entry in package.json, we can start the server by simply typing nodemon (or npx nodemon).

Back to routing...

Like most web frameworks, Express uses the HTTP Method and the Path/Endpoint of the HTTP request to match a route defined in the application.

In our first route, we defined a route using the get method on the Express app object.

The get method defines a route that listens for a GET request. There are other methods such as post, put and delete, that map to the other HTTP verbs.

The first argument provided to app.get, /, defines the path for the route. In this case the root of the application, i.e., just the host name like localhost:3000.

In Express, all strings used to define a path should start with a forward-slash character (/).

In the next Express lesson, we'll learn a preferred way of defining routes using the Express Router object, but you need to be aware of defining routes this way as well.

7. The Route's Callback

The second argument provided to app.get() is a callback function that is executed by Express when the server receives an HTTP Request that matches the route:

app.get('/', (req, res, next) => {
  res.send('<h1>Hello Express</h1>');

Making sure to use the proper method is important. In Express, you might have the same endpoint (route) for multiple HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.). The combination of the route and the HTTP method helps you define different behaviors for the same endpoint based on the type of request.

❓ What part(s) of the HTTP Request does Express use when determining what route the request matches?

The HTTP Method and the Path/Endpoint

When Express calls the callback function it will provide two objects as arguments...

8. Request & Response Objects

The callback function defines two parameters conventionally named req & res:

  1. req: Represents Express's request object has properties and methods used to access information regarding the current HTTP request, including any data being sent from the browser.

  2. res: Represents Express's response object has properties and methods used to end the request/response cycle - like we've done so far using the res.send method.

  3. next: is used to continue the processing of the request. This parameter is particularly relevant when working with middleware functions. Middleware functions in Express are functions that have access to the req and res objects, and they can also modify them or terminate the request-response cycle. Middleware functions are executed in the order they are defined in the application, and they can perform various tasks such as authentication, logging, or modifying the request or response objects.

    The next parameter is a function that, when called, passes control to the next middleware function in the stack. If a route handler or middleware does not call next(), the request-response cycle might be terminated, and the client might not receive a response.This third parameter is used to continue a request to the next matching route, this is typically used when incorporating middleware functionality like authentication and attaching properties to a request as they enter your web server.

    next will not be talked about much in the introduction to node modules, for right now, just be aware there is a third parameter and it is used to continue a request to a different route. For more information on the next parameter consider reviewing this documentation from express on middleware.

You Do πŸ‘‰ Define Another Route (3 mins)

  1. Define another route that matches a request of GET /home
    and sends a text response of
    <h1>Home Page</h1>.

  2. Test it by browsing to

❓ Review Question - Routing

Assuming the following two routes:

app.get('/cars', (req, res) => {
  res.send("Here's a list of my cars...");
});'/cars', (req, res) => {
  res.send('Thanks for the new car!');
Both routes are defined with the same path of /cars - is this okay?
Hint: Look closely

Yes, because they defined to match different HTTP Methods which makes those two routes unique.

9. Ways to Respond to a Request

So far we have responded in our route handler (the callback function) by using the res.send() method.

The Express docs for the Response object lists the other ways to respond to an HTTP request.

Here are the common methods we'll be using during the course:

  • res.render(): Render a view template and send the resulting HTML to the browser.
  • res.redirect(): Tell the browser to issue another GET request.
  • res.json(): Send a JSON response (used when we communicate via AJAX).

10. Rendering Views

One of the three fundamental capabilities of a web framework discussed earlier is to be able to use a view engine to render dynamic templates.

A template can include a mixture of static (unchanging) HTML and "code" that generates HTML dynamically.

For example, code in a template could generate a series of <li> elements for data provided to it in an array.

When a server receives a request, it processes the EJS templates and sends the generated HTML to the client as a response. The client's browser then renders the HTML. EJS itself does not run in the browser; it is a server-side technology.

View Engines

In Express, we use res.render() to process a template using a view engine and return the resulting HTML to the browser.

Express can work with a multitude of view engines, including:

  • Pug (formerly Jade) - A template language that leverages indentation to create HTML with a "shorthand" syntax.
  • EJS (Embedded JavaScript) - A super cool templating language that, like the name says, embed JavaScript within the HTML!

Create the views/home.ejs View

Let's use EJS to render a "home" view for the existing GET /home route.

A common Express application architecture is to use a design pattern called MVC(Model, view, Controller) This is a pattern based off of MV*, you can read more on MVC and similar MV* design patterns at Mozilla Developer Network MVC documentation. let's put all the templates inside of a folder named views:

mkdir views
touch views/home.ejs

ejs is the file extension for the EJS view engine.

Open home.ejs then type ! and press tab to generate the HTML boilerplate:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" 
      content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
    <title>First Express</title>

For now, we will need to include the HTML boilerplate inside of every view.

However, EJS includes the ability to make our views more DRY by using partial views. We will cover partial views later, however, if you can't wait, check out how to use the include() function here.

Update the <title> as shown above and add an <h1> inside <body> so that we see something displayed:

  <h1>Home Page</h1>

Refactor the "Home" Route

Okay, now let's refactor the GET /home route's callback to render our new home.ejs template:

app.get('/home', (req, res) => {

It's convention to specify just the template's name, dropping the ejs extension.

Browse to localhost:3000/home and - it doesn't work...

Now's a great time to get a little practice reading Express errors!

Configure Express to Use EJS

The Express error
Error: No default engine was specified...
makes it clear that we need to specify a view engine.

This is our first opportunity to configure the server using Express's app.set() method:

// Configure the app (app.set)
app.set('view engine', 'ejs');

We also need to inform Express where all of our views can be found:

// Configure the app (app.set)
app.set('view engine', 'ejs');
app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'views'));

Don't be intimidated by the code:
path.join(__dirname, 'views')...

path.join() is simply a Node method that builds a properly formatted path from segment strings passed to it.

__dirname is available in Node modules and represents the path of the current folder where the currently running code lives; and views is the name of the folder we created to hold our views.

require() the path Module

path is a core Node module, but it still must be required before we can use it.

Core Node modules don't have to be installed with npm install, but we do have to require them:

// Require modules
const express = require('express');
const path = require('path');

Refresh and let's see what the next error is...

Install EJS

Error: Cannot find module 'ejs'
tells us that we need to install the EJS view engine:

npm i ejs

We don't need to require the view engine - Express knows how to find it.

Refresh the page - success πŸ˜€

11. Dynamic Templating Using EJS

Thus far, we've only rendered a static template, but now it's time to use EJS to dynamically generate HTML!

In addition to passing the template name as an argument to res.render() method, we can also pass in a JavaScript object as a second argument and all of its properties will be accessible in the view within ejs tags!

Let's get to work rendering the list of To Dos...

Create the data/todo-db.js Module

Normally, the To Dos would be coming from a database, however, we'll "fake" a DB by putting the To Dos in a module and export a method to return them.

Let's create the module:

mkdir data
touch data/todo-db.js

Start with a copy/paste of the following array of To Do objects:

// data/todo-db.js

const todos = [
  {todo: 'Feed Dogs', done: true},
  {todo: 'Learn Express', done: false},
  {todo: 'Buy Milk', done: false}

Now let's export a getAll() method that can be used by any other module to obtain the To Dos:

const getAll = () => {
    return todos

module.exports = {

Require the data/todo-db.js Module

To access our To Do "database", we need to require() it inside of server.js:

const path = require('path');

// require the To Do "database"
const todoDb = require('./data/todo-db');

Add a Route to List the To Dos

If we want to be able to implement the "To Do List" functionality, we're going to need another another route:

app.get('/todos', (req, res) => {
  const todos = todoDb.getAll()
  res.render('todos/index', { todos });

As discussed, to pass data to a view, we pass an object as a second argument to res.render().

We will now be able to access a todos variable in the todos/index view!

Create the EJS Template

It's a best practice to group views related to a data resource such as "todos" in their own folder.

We also commonly use index as a name for views that render all of something - in this case, displaying all To Dos.

Therefore, we need an index.ejs view inside of a views/todos folder:

mkdir views/todos
touch views/todos/index.ejs

Now let's code the todos/index.ejs view. Start by copying over the HTML from home.ejs and refactor it to this:

  <h1>All To Dos</h1>
    <% todos.forEach( todo => { %>
        <%= todo.todo %>
        <%= todo.done ? 'done' : 'not done' %>
    <% }); %>

That my friends is embedded JavaScript between those <% %> and <%= %> tags and I believe you are going to love their simplicity!

The <% %> EJS tags are for executing JavaScript such as control flow.

The <%= %> EJS tags are for writing JS expressions into the HTML page.

Refresh and browse to localhost:3000/todos - yay!

12. Redirecting

One last bit of fun...

Currently, if we browse to the root route, we see "Hello Express", however, we can use the res.redirect method to redirect to GET /home to see the Home page instead.

Refactor the root route as follows:

app.get('/', (req, res) => {

When the server responds with a redirect it causes the browser send a new GET request to the provided path.

Note: It's very important that the path provided to res.redirect() begin with a forward slash!

Determining when to res.render() or res.redirect()

Certain functionality requires the server to respond using res.redirect() instead of res.render():

  • When the browser sends a GET HTTP request, the server should respond with res.render().
  • Any request other than a GET method, i.e. POST, PUT or DELETE, results in data being changed on the server and typically should be responded to using res.redirect().

13. ❓ Essential Questions (1 min)

(1) Does the Express server "run" on the Back-End or the Front-End?


(2) When we define routes on the server, we are mapping/connecting HTTP requests to ________.

Code which performs its purpose such as creating, reading, updating or deleting data, then ultimately responds to the request using res.render() or res.redirect().

(3) Which EJS tags do we use to emit content into the HTML page: <% %> or <%= %>?

<%= %> ("Squids", not "Flounders")


In this lesson we learn all about backend frameworks and start writing server side code using Express!






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