This repository contains Research Object Crates (RO-Crates) bundling the research data and their retrospective provenance that was transferred from Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) protocols using an automated structure-based approach. The research data was previously published under the CC-BY 4.0 by:
Susanne Staehlke, J. Barbara Nebe.
Research data of Calcium Imaging after electrical stimulation.
Zenodo (2021).
The automated approach to create these bundles is described in full detail in this article:
Max Schröder, Susanne Staehlke, Paul Groth, J. Barbara Nebe, Sascha Spors, Frank Krüger.
Structure-based knowledge acquisition from electronic lab notebooks for research data provenance documentation.
Journal of Biomedical Semantics 13, 4 (2022).
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
In order to reference this dataset, please consider the information in the CITATION.cff file.
The repository contains seven folders that each represents a RO-Crate bundle about a Ca-imaging experiment.
The bundle contains a semantic representation of the retrospective provenance of the research data creation (ro-crate-metadata.json
), i.e., the Ca-imaging procedure.
Furthermore, the research data (Data
) and a copy of the ELN protocol and the used resources in the form of HTML files (Protocol
) is contained.