Web app for family chores and allowance. Designed as a cross platform progressive web app for mobile devices, tablets and desktops. Once an account is created you can use any device thats connected to the internet to login and update allowences and chores.
Allows users to add family members, chores and goals specific to each family member while encouraging good attitudes.
- Create chores and assign points or a monetary value for each chore.
- Award bonuses or deductions to the main chore value based on attitude.
- After family members have been added, click on a family member and click a chore that was completed. The value of the chore will be added to that members allowance and the chore will be crossed out.
- Go to the allowance page for a family member to see their progression toward their goal in a simple bar graph. Go to chores tab to see what chores need to be done, what chores have been completed, who did them, and when they were last completed.
- Edit each family members allowance by spending points or money, adjusting goals, starting fresh or adjusting manually. The overall purpose of the app is to show kids a visual representation of their progression toward their goals and motivate them to complete chores with a good attitude.
When you sign in you will be prompted to download / add the app to your device. Once completed, go through a brief setup / tutorial on a few of the basic concepts. Once you finish, you can always go to settings to change things or go through the tutorial again.
If you used google-sign-in for your account, you will be automatically signed in to that account when you open the app.
- If you wish to sign in to a different account you will need to logout of the app, open safari (apple devices) or chrome (android devices) and sign out of your google account.
- Next time you sign in to the app you will be prompted to choose the account you wish to login as.
The following technologies where the main libraies used for this application:
- React v17
- React-Bootstrap 2.2
- Bootstrap 5
- Redux 7
- Redux Toolkit 1.8
- React-Router-Dom 6
- Firebase (Firestore and Auth)
- React-Icons
- npm