這是使用 Angular 13、Nx Workspace、ngrx、TailwindCSS 和 Scully (SSG) 所建立的部落格網站。
查看部落格網站 -> https://blog.neilxie.net
- Angular 13
- Nx Workspace
- ngneat 主要使用
- ngrx and ngrx/component-store
- Angular Material UI component: select.
- TailwindCSS
- Scully 基於 Angular 的 Server Side Generator
- utterances 基於 GitHub issues 的 component
└── root
├── apps
│ └── angular-scully-blog
└── libs
└── web (dir)
├── shell (dir)
│ ├── feature (angular:lib) - for configure any forRoot modules
│ └── ui
│ └── layout (angular:lib)
├── settings (dir)
│ ├── data-access (workspace:lib)
│ └── feature (angular:lib SettingsComponent)
├── post (dir)
│ ├── data-access (angular:lib, service, state management)
│ └── features
│ ├── list (angular:lib PostsComponent)
│ └── detail (angular:lib PostComponent)
├── tag (dir)
│ ├── data-access (angular:lib, service, state management)
│ └── features
│ ├── list (angular:lib TagsComponent)
│ └── detail (angular:lib TagComponent)
├── projects (dir)
│ └── feature
├── about (dir)
│ └── feature
├── home (dir)
│ ├── data-access (angular:lib)
│ ├── feature (angular:lib)
│ └── ui (dir)
│ └── recent-posts (angular:lib, SCAM for Component)
└── shared (dir)
├── data-access (angular:lib, API call, Service or State management to share across the Client app)
└── ui (dir)
- Scully Publish 負責打包和部署 Scully site 到 GitHub Pages
- LINE Notify 發送部署完成的通知