pip install pyarrow pandas pyro-ppl lightgbm pandas scikit-learn scipy matplotlib
cd dsa2
python run.py data_profile --config_uri titanic_classifier.py::titanic_lightgbm > zlog/log-titanic.txt 2>&1
python run.py preprocess --config_uri titanic_classifier.py::titanic_lightgbm > zlog/log-titanic.txt 2>&1
python run.py train --config_uri titanic_classifier.py::titanic_lightgbm > zlog/log-titanic.txt 2>&1
python run.py predict --config_uri titanic_classifier.py::titanic_lightgbm > zlog/log-titanic.txt 2>&1
python titanic_classifier.py data_profile
python titanic_classifier.py preprocess
python titanic_classifier.py train
python titanic_classifier.py check
python titanic_classifier.py predict
python titanic_classifier.py run_all
data/input/titanic/raw/ : the raw files
data/input/titanic/raw2/ : the raw files split manually
data/input/titanic/train/ : features.zip , target.zip, cols_group.json names are FIXED
features.zip or features.parquet : csv file of the inputs
target.zip or target.parquet : csv file of the label to predict.
data/input/titanic/test/ :
features.zip or parquet format , used for predictions
File names Are FIXED, please create sub-folder
All are defined in a single model_dictionnary containing all
*Titanic dataframe structure (example:
Survived Pclass Name Sex Age SibSp Parch Ticket Fare Cabin Embarked
1 0 3 Braund, Mr. Owen Harris male 22.0 1 0 A/5 21171 7.2500 NaN S
2 1 1 Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Th... female 38.0 1 0 PC 17599 71.2833 C85 C
3 1 3 Heikkinen, Miss. Laina female 26.0 0 0 STON/O2. 3101282 7.9250 NaN S
4 1 1 Futrelle, Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) female 35.0 1 0 113803 53.1000 C123 S
5 0 3 Allen, Mr. William Henry male 35.0 0 0 373450 8.0500 NaN S
(1) Initial Manual Column Mapping : 'cols_input_type'
From Raw data --> "colid","colnum","colcat","coldate","coltext","coly","colcross"
|-"colid" --> index or id of each row (e.g. ["PassengerId"])
|-"coly" --> target column or y column (e.g. ["Survived"])
|-"colnum" --> columns with float or interger numbers (e.g. ["Pclass", "Age", "SibSp", "Parch", "Fare"])
|-"colcat" --> columns with string labels (e.g. ["Sex", "Embarked"])
|-"coldate" --> columns with date format data
|-"coltext" --> columns with text data (e.g. ["Ticket", "Name"])
|-"colcross" --> columns to be checked for feature crosses
(e.g. ["Name", "Sex", "Ticket", "Embarked", "Pclass", "Age", "SibSp", "Parch", "Fare"])
(2) Columns feature family for model training : "cols_model_group"
"cols_model_group" --> column family used for Model Training
"colnum", "colnum_bin", "colnum_onehot", "colnum_binmap", #### Colnum columns
"colcat", "colcat_bin", "colcat_onehot", "colcat_bin_map", #### colcat columns
'colcross_single_onehot_select', "colcross_pair_onehot", 'colcross_pair', #### colcross columns
*Preprocessing as follow in source/run_preprocess.py
Raw Columns ---> Feature columns family
"colnum" --> "colnum_bin" --> "colnum_onehot" --------------->
|--------------------------> "colnum_onehot" --------------->
"colcat" --> "colcat_bin" --> "colcat_onehot" --------------->
|--------------------------> "colcat_onehot" --------------->
"coltext" -(bag of words)-> "dftext_tfidf" --> "dftext_svd" -->
Default pipeline options are considered in
pipe_default= [
{'uri': 'source/preprocessors.py::pd_coly', 'pars': {}, 'cols_family': 'coly', 'cols_out': 'coly', 'type': 'coly' },
{'uri': 'source/preprocessors.py::pd_colnum_bin', 'pars': {}, 'cols_family': 'colnum', 'cols_out': 'colnum_bin', 'type': '' },
{'uri': 'source/preprocessors.py::pd_colnum_binto_onehot', 'pars': {}, 'cols_family': 'colnum_bin', 'cols_out': 'colnum_onehot', 'type': '' },
{'uri': 'source/preprocessors.py::pd_colcat_bin', 'pars': {}, 'cols_family': 'colcat', 'cols_out': 'colcat_bin', 'type': '' },
{'uri': 'source/preprocessors.py::pd_colcat_to_onehot', 'pars': {}, 'cols_family': 'colcat_bin', 'cols_out': 'colcat_onehot', 'type': '' },
{'uri': 'source/preprocessors.py::pd_colcross', 'pars': {}, 'cols_family': 'colcross', 'cols_out': 'colcross_pair_onehot', 'type': 'cross'}
{'uri': 'python file address::the function for column processing', 'pars': any parameters to pass to function, 'cols_family': column family name, 'cols_out': *optional, 'type': 'coly' or 'cross'}
'::pd_coly' => Input: the target dataframe, returns filtered and labeled dataframe
'::pd_colnum_bin' => Input: a dataframe with selected numerical columns, creates categorical bins, returns dataframe with new columns (colnum_bin)
'::pd_colnum_binto_onehot' => Input: a dataframe dfnum_bin, returns one hot matrix as dataframe colnum_onehot
'::pd_colcat_bin' => Input: a dataframe with categorical columns, returns dataframe colcat_bin with numerical values
'::pd_colcat_to_onehot' => Input: a dataframe with categorical columns, returns one hot matrix as dataframe colcat_onehot
'::pd_colcross' => Input: a dataframe of numerical and categorical one hot encoded columns with defined cross columns, returns dataframe colcross_pair_onehot
cd dsa2
source activate py36
python source/run_train.py run_train --n_sample 100 --model_name lightgbm --path_config_model source/config_model.py --path_output /data/output/a01_test/ --path_data /data/input/train/
source activate py36
python source/run_inference.py run_predict --n_sample 1000 --model_name lightgbm --path_model /data/output/a01_test/ --path_output /data/output/a01_test_pred/ --path_data /data/input/train/
run_feature_profile.py : CLI Pandas profiling
run_preprocess.py : CLI for feature preprocessing
run_train.py : CLI to train any model, any data (model data agnostic )
run_inference.py : CLI to predict with any model, any data (model data agnostic )
One file python file per model.
models/model_sklearn.py : generic module as class, which wraps any sklearn API type model.
models/model_bayesian_pyro.py : generic model as class, which wraps Bayesian regression in Pyro/Pytorch.
Method of the moddule/class