🚨 This SDK is no longer maintained 🚨
You can use Growthbeat sdk insead:
Growth Message in-app message service for mobile apps.
Install Growthbeat Core SDK.
Install Growth Analytics SDK.
Add GrowthMessage.framework into your project.
Link SystemConfiguration.framework and AdSupport.framework
Import the framework header.
#import <GrowthMessage/GrowthMessage.h>
Write initialization code
[[GrowthMessage sharedInstance] initializeWithApplicationId:@"APPLICATION_ID" credentialId:@"CREDENTIAL_ID"];
Write following code in the place to display a message. You can choose the event to make a message on the Growth Message dashboard.
[[GrowthAnalytics sharedInstance] track:@"EVENT_NAME"];
You can use Growthbeat SDK instead of this SDK. Growthbeat is growth hack tool for mobile apps. You can use full functions include Growth Push when you use the following SDK.
- Set build target to GrowthMessageFramework and iOS Device.
- Run.
Apache License, Version 2.0