An advanced To-Do List Application build on top of fastify and react
- Backend with Fastify: Efficient and lightweight server framework.
- Secure Authentication: Utilizes JWTs in
cookies for enhanced security. - React Frontend: Responsive UI with component-driven architecture.
- State Management: Employs Zustand for intuitive and simple state handling.
- Task Management: Full CRUD operations
most of the conventions have been overlooked for a fast development of the project... I will work on it to make it better
Follow these steps to get Taskly up and running:
cp .env.template .env
openssl rand -base64 32
This will produce a Base64 encoded string derived from 32 bytes of random data, which will be suitable for a cookie secret or jwt secret.
add the Connection URL
that allows you to connect to the database in the .env
Add the REACT_APP_SERVER_BASE_URL to your env file inside the client folder. e.g. http://localhost:8081
In the project root run this command
npm i
npm run dev
this command makes both the sever and client run thanks to npm workspace and npm-run-all