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Flows Pipeline

DOI Tests Code Coverage Hits-of-Code License

Installation instructions

Go to the directory where you want the Python code to be installed and simply download it or clone it via git as::

git clone
cd flows

Required dependencies can be installed using the following command. It is recommended to do this in a dedicated virtualenv or similar:

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

In addition, in order to run tests and do development, do

pip install -r dev_requirements.txt  # in same virtual environment as above
_pyver=$(find env/lib/ -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 | cut -d '/' -f 3)
ln -s ../env/lib/${_pyver}/site-packages/tendrils/utils/config.ini flows/config.ini
wget -O tests/input/2020aatc/SN2020aatc_K_20201213_495s.fits.gz
wget -O tests/input/2020lao/59000.96584_h_e_20200531_33_1_1_1_2020lao_LT_gp.fits.gz
wget -O tests/input/2020lao/subtracted/59000.96584_h_e_20200531_33_1_1_1_2020lao_LT_gpdiff.fits.gz
wget -O tests/input/2021wyw/ADP.2021-10-15T11_40_06.553.fits.gz

TODO: Reformulate following bullet point and check/decide on which config paths are/should be available...:

  • Changed with tendrils API. If using tendrils, follow the steps below, but then let tendrils know of the config file location. Alternatively, individual config file elements can be set programatically using tendrils and will be saved to a config file automatically. Last step is to create a config-file. Create a file named "config.ini" and place it in the "flows" directory. Make sure that the file can only be read by you (chmod 0600 config.ini)! This file can contain all the settings for running the pipeline. A minimal file for working with the pipeline is
token = <my api token>

api_key = <AUFLOWS_BOT API key>

where your API token can be found on the Flows webpage.

How to run tests

You can test your installation by going to the root directory where you cloned the repository and run the command:


Full configuration file

Text coming soon...

### --Tendrils configurations used at FLOWS run-time-- ###
### Configurations without a leading '#' are required  ###
### and must be specified by the user.                 ###
### Configurations with a leading '#' are optional,    ###
### and their assigned values are documentation of     ###
### their default values in the FLOWS pipeline.        ###
### Default values of optional configurations with a   ###
### leading '$' signify environment variables resolved ###
### at run-time; their fallbacks are given following   ###
### a '/'.                                             ###

# photometry_cache = None
# pipeline = False
token = None

# database:
#   username and password required for,
#   the user is a registered user in the flows database
#   with access to the 'adastra' schema
# username = $AUDBUsername/None
# password = $AUDBPassword/None

archive_local = None
# output = .

# TNS:
#   api_key required for,
#   user registration at
#   api_key is that of a TNS bot; ask a flows group
#   member for one
#   if user_id and user_name are not given, fallback
#   to a TNS bot's bot_id and bot_name, which must
#   match with api_key
# api_key = None
# bot_id = 191396
# bot_name = AUFLOWS_BOT2
# user_id = None
# user_name = None

# base_url =
# catalogs_url = reference_stars.php
# catalogs_missing_url = catalog_missing.php
# cleanup_photometry_status_url = cleanup_photometry_status.php
# datafiles_url = datafiles.php
# filters_url = filters.php
# lightcurves_url = lightcurve.php
# photometry_upload_url = upload_photometry.php
# photometry_url = download_photometry.php
# set_photometry_status_url = set_photometry_status.php
# sites_url = sites.php
# targets_post_url = targets_add.php
# targets_url = targets.php
# verify_ssl = True

# output_photometry = .

Making a release

  • Bump sem-version when Devel is ready to merge in file = VERSION (v1.0.0). Checkout devel. Edit Version. Push devel.
  • Merge Devel into Master (Create PR from Devel -> Master), wait until tests are passing. Create issues if not. Then Merge.
  • Create tag on Master corresponding to right semversion. This means, checkout master. Pull master locally. Create tag using git tag called "v1.0.0" or whatever the sem-version. Push local tag to GitHub.
  • Merge Master into devel to propagate tag (Create PR on GitHub).
  • Create release on GH releases tab if all tests passing.