Welcome to the Recipe App: Deusto Foods!
-> Project is 100% Functional!💯
Functionality Tested with GitHub Actions. Project is stable and working with efficiency
-> Included JUnit/Surefire Tests🧪
Essential to verify the performance of major functions.
-> RMI Interface successfully documented📝
Done for Doxygen implementation with GitHub Pages.
-> Welcome SLF4J Logger 🗒️
Fully used for console information, warning, and error tracking.
-> App Customization in Place🖼️🎨
Say Hello to colors & Image Frames.
-> Other Features include:
-View Recipes
-Profile Settings
-Login and Create and Account
-Emoji Icons on Window Frames
-Like Buttons for recipes
-Search for Recipes by ID or Title
-Action Buttons and Labels
-> Documentation:
For more documentation, please visit:
#Other Releases
v1.0 Release:
-> Code template is operational
Maven Integration, JavaFX & SceneBuilder paths have been configured
-> MongoDb connection is successful! Added MongoDb dependencies & configuration
-> .FXML Views have been partially coded Logos Have been added to /Images folder
** Please do not delete module-info.java **