Going for tour with families and friends is an awesome and unforgottable Experience.Sometimes we lose our children and old ones in that unknown place so that the experience becomes a bitter one and finding our loved ones becomes difficult and causes a lot of trauma.
Our Lost But Found suite provides a solution to ease the process of finding them easily with the help of Deep Learning.
Lost But Found App helps the users to upload their lost ones image in the app.The image reaches our servers and compares the alreadyimages that are present in the servers .If some one finds a child they too can upload in that app . If a match for a face is foundboth the founder and Loser willbe notified.
Our Softwares will be installed in the CCTV Camerasof the areas which has lots of crowd and the crowd will be monitored our software detects all faces in the crowd and sends it to our server and if a child is a found they will be notified in our feeds and to the corresponding loser .So that finding children in that crowd will not become a tedious process
-Google Maps API