No one signs up for the military with out being able to some a few miles, pushups, and situps.
I am prepping myself to apply and attentend devbootcamp. There are a lot of logisic things I must do here in Philadelphia before I uproot myself and move to San Fran or Chicago for 3 - 5 intense months. I've stalking and chatting with current and former cohorts of the program for advice and suggestions.
Liz Abinante ( was the first one to reach back and have a dialog with me as she is a May 2013 cohort in Chicago. Her recommendation is to go through, "Learn to Program by Chris Pine" TWICE if I can.
When I read hackernews and other sites about programming I hear github this and github that I still don't fully understand how this works but its a big deal. I figure I might as well complete all of the lessons from the book on here.