STEPBible is a volunteer-run organization. We welcome contributions!
- Enable Developer mode on your phone
- Download "Expo" on the App Store of your phone. This app will allow you to preview changes as you develop.
- Install WSL for Windows, and choose Ubuntu as your OS
- Download Android Studio (optional)
- Download Xcode
- Download Android Studio (optional)
Check that Node.js is installed:
node --version
Check if Yarn is installed:
yarn --version
Install Yarn if needed:
Install some global dependences:
npm install -g expo-cli
Check out the repo:
cd ~
git clone
cd stepmobile
Install dependencies:
cd ~/stepmobile
yarn install
Copy a pre-built database into the repo:
need a database? Ask for one, or build one using some instructions further below
cp ~/Downloads/bible.db ~/stepmobile/app/assets/
Start the app to see everything in action:
cd ~/stepmobile
expo start
Change the Connection mode to "Tunnel". This allows you to run the app on your phone, even if your phone is on a different network.
For Android, scan the QR code on your phone, or for iOS, have it text a link to you.
- Change color of one of the views; for example, backgroundColor to 'magenta'
- Celebrate 😀