This Python script allows you to find the corresponding L1 block for a given L2 block on the Rollux network. It leverages to interact with the Ethereum node and the L1Block
contract deployed on the L2 network.
Before running the script, ensure you have Python 3.7 or higher installed.
The script depends on the packages listed in requirements.txt
. To install the required packages, run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
git clone
cd L1BlockFetcher
python --l2_block_number <L2_BLOCK_NUMBER> [--rpc_url <RPC_URL>] [--l1block_contract <L1BLOCK_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>]
- --l2_block_number (required): The L2 block number you want to query.
- --rpc_url (optional): The RPC URL for the Rollux node. Defaults to
- --l1block_contract (optional): The address of the L1Block contract. Defaults to 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000015.
To find the corresponding L1 block for L2 block number 5000, run:
python --l2_block_number 5000
You can also specify a custom RPC URL and L1Block contract address:
python --l2_block_number 5000 --rpc_url "" --l1block_contract "0xYourContractAddress"
- The corresponding L1 block number for the specified L2 block.
- The timestamp of the L1 block.
- The sequence number of L2 blocks within the current epoch.