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Pinterest Data Pipeline that simulate data ingestion and processing for both batch and streaming data.

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Pinterest data pipeline

A description of the project: what it does, the aim of the project, and what you learned

This project aims to simiulate the process of data ingestion and data processing of social media data using AWS data engineering services

Pinterest Data pipeline Architecture


Installation instructions

You would need an aws account to set up this pipeline.

Configuring your ec2 kafka client

Setting up EC2 client

To set up your EC2 enviroment, you would need to generate a key pair (this is stores as a .pem file) and use this to connect with the ec2 securely.

Due to security reasons, this file is private . To do this, navigate to where the .pem is and run the following command in terminal.

chomd 400 "your_private_key.pem"

Then run this:

ssh -i /path/key-pair-name.pem instance-user-name@instance-public-dns-name

instance-user-name refers to if you're the root account or you're just an ec2 user.

Set up kafka EC2

You'll have to create your own MSK cluster on AWS. In this project, the cluster name is called pinterest_msk.

Ensure that your ec2 has the necessary permission to utlise MSK IAM as well as write to the destination bucket.

To download kafka (ensure that the kafka file is the same version as the IAM MSK authenticator) INSIDE YOU'RE EC2 Terminal:

tar -xzf kafka_2.12-2.8.1.tgz

Install IAM MSK authentication package into your EC2 client. Allowing IAM access control provide us a way to authenticate and authorise the clusters, checking if the client is allowed to perform certain tasks.

IAM rules and trust polices

your IAM trust policy should looks somthing like this:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "Service": [
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxx:role/xxxxxxxxxx-ec2-access-role"
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

Now you should have the correct permissions

command INSIDE OF YOU EC2 Terminal

cd your_kafka_folder/libs 


You may want to set up a classpath to the msk file, so the ec2 client can find and utilise the the msk iam file. This can be done in the .bashrc file.

configure your EC2 client using AWS IAM for cluster authentication and your inside your kafka folder.

Configuring kafka client to use IAM

configure your EC2 client to use AWS IAM for cluster authentication using your inside your kafka folder.

expect the following format:

# Sets up TLS for encryption and SASL for authN.
security.protocol = SASL_SSL

# Identifies the SASL mechanism to use.
sasl.mechanism = AWS_MSK_IAM

# Binds SASL client implementation.
sasl.jaas.config = required awsRoleArn="Your Access Role";

# Encapsulates constructing a SigV4 signature based on extracted credentials.
# The SASL client bound by "sasl.jaas.config" invokes this class.
sasl.client.callback.handler.class =

your access role should refer to your ec2 client

Creating the Kafka topics

Ensure that you have your Bootstrap servers string and the Plaintext Apache Zookeeper connection string. This can be found in the MSK cluster.

To create your kafka topic:

Navigate to your kafka bin file your_kafka_file/bin

run the following command:

./ --bootstrap-server BootstrapServerString --command-config --create --topic <topic_name>

with BootstrapServerString being the Bootstrap servers string. <topic_name> refering to the topic name

Each topic was created for each datapoints relating to geographical, user and pinterest post.

Connecting MSK cluster to s3 buckets

Create custom plugins using MSK Connect in order to data to automatically stored and saved into aws s3 bucket.

Creating custom plugin

A plugin will contain the code that defines the logic and behaviour of our connector.

Inside your EC2 Terminal download and copy to your desired s3 bucket.

run the following command:

# assume admin user privileges
sudo -u ec2-user -i
# create directory where we will save our connector 
mkdir kafka-connect-s3 && cd kafka-connect-s3
# download connector from Confluent
# copy connector to our S3 bucket
aws s3 cp ./ s3://<BUCKET_NAME>/kafka-connect-s3/

Creating plugin

Navigate to AWS MSK, under MSK Connect click Customised plugins


Create the custom plugin by clicking on Create customised plugin and locate the file. Assign name to plugin

Creating connector

Under the same location as custom plugin, click connector then press Create Connector.


under the list of plugin, select your recently created plugin, create a name and then your MSK cluster. After configure the connector configuration setting.

API getway

Create a new api. link

Next create resources by selecting create resource.

For resource name type:



You then need to add an endpoint. In this case we will use a HTTP enpoint to communicate with an HTTP-endpoint backend.

For url endpoint, follow this format:


ensure thay your ec2 has the correct policies and trusts.

Then download the REST proxy package:

sudo wget
tar -xvzf confluent-7.2.0.tar.gz 

Like configuring the ec2, we need to configure this to the MSK cluster to do iam authentication.

navigate to confluent-7.2.0/etc/kafka-rest

the do this command:


you need to modify the bootstrap.servers and the zookeeper.connect variables in this file, with the corresponding Boostrap server string and Plaintext Apache Zookeeper connection string.

Expect a similar format to the file.

Finally Deploy your API and make note of your invoke URL.

start REST proxy

Navigate to confluent-7.2.0/bin folder and run the following command INSIDE YOUR EC2 terminal ./kafka-rest-start /home/ec2-user/confluent-7.2.0/etc/kafka-rest/

Sending data

Now everthing has been set up, you can now send data directly to the s3 buckets through MSK. On a new terminal (not ec2), run here and see the data being consumed.


Batch processing

Loading the s3 data onto Databricks

Important: this stage is not avaliable for Databricks Community Edition account

  1. retrieve the access and secret key from AWS IAM. You should receieve a CSV file containing this information.

  2. Then load said csv file to databricks using databrick UI as seen below.

alt text

  1. get the path to the csv file, read the Delta table to a Spark DataFrame

  2. extract the access key and secret access key from the spark dataframe and encode the secret access key.

  3. mount the aws bucket to databricks and where to mount it to using dbutils.fs.mount(). this is done once and can be retieved any time

  4. find desired data and load it as a spark dataframe by reading the data.

End result: 3 spark dataframes are formed.

df_geo df_geo

df_pin df_pin

df_user df_user

cleaning the pinterest post , geographical and pinterest users dataframes

Cleaning each dataframe can be found in the databricks_mounting_and_analysis folder. This includes the various steps taken to remove duplicates, correct erroneous data, and perform data transformations such as re-ordering columns and adjusting data types.

Query Anaylsis

The query to analyse different users activities based on countries, age_groups and etc can be found in querying_data

For loading(mounting) the data from S3 bucket, cleaning and analysing the dataframe, Apache Spark (namely Pyspark) was used.

PySpark was used as it provided a more flexible approach when transforming data.

Automating batch data using Airflow

This step consist of automating the extraction, cleaning and querying spark dataframes consisting of data from S3 buckets using AWS MWAA (Managed Workflow of Apache Airflow).

The results can be seen by running Once triggered, its set to complete the process daily as seen below from Aiflow UI. image

After a couple of days:


Streaming processing using AWS Kinesis

Now i've obtained some real-time data. Using the same tools for retrieve batch data wouldn't suffice. So a new approach was introduced using AWS kinesis Data Stream.

Setting up AWS API gateway into AWS kinesis

To retieve the data, this project uses REST API requests (such as POST, GET, DELETE and etc).

  1. Create the stream, so there's a place(or sink) to store streaming data.

  2. Using API gateway, create resources and methods that:

    • List streams in Kinesis
    • Create, describe and delete streams in Kinesis
    • Add records to streams in Kinesis
  3. run here, you should be able to see the data in AWS Kinesis Data Stream.

Read data from Kinesis

Using the ACCESS_KEY AND SECRET_KEY used to retieving data from S3 buckets, is also used to access aws kinesis.

df = spark \
.readStream \
.format('kinesis') \
.option('streamName','<KINESIS_STREAM_NAME>') \
.option('initialPosition','earliest') \
.option('region','us-east-1') \
.option('awsAccessKey', ACCESS_KEY) \
.option('awsSecretKey', SECRET_KEY) \

Normally, the streaming data is serialised for easy transmission or saving. We need to deserialise it(yay!) so that it can be converts it back into a structure (like a dictionary, a tuple, or a custom object) that Spark can process.

To deserialise the results:

df = df.selectExpr("CAST(data as STRING)")

### Transform the data

The data cleaning process used to clean thhe batch data was used to clean the streaming data(for user, geographical and pinterest post). Please refer to cleaning the pinterest post , geographical and pinterest users dataframes section.

df_pin pin_img

df_user user_img

df_geo geo_img

Writing to delta tables

The results of the dataframes were written to delta lakes using databricks.

results of the data being stored in delta lakes


Note Your databrick cluster may crash, so you might need to restart it. Also when writing to same checkpoint over time can cause error, so use a different checkpoint location

Usage instructions

for conda users:

To create and activate the new enviroment write the following code into command line:

conda env create -f enviroments/environment.yml

conda activate pinterest_data_pipeline

### for bash users:

Run the following command into the terminal.


find bash file inside environments

Note The credentials relating to the creation of ec2 instances and aws credentials is only visable to the owner of the repository(aka me) and to contributors. For more information, please see the contribution section.

File structure of the project

├── databrick_mounting_and_analysis
│   ├── cleaning_spark_dataframe.ipynb
│   ├── mounting_s3_data_to_databricks.ipynb
│   ├── querying_data.ipynb
│   └── reading_streaming_data.ipynb
├── environments
│   ├──
│   ├── environment.yml
│   └── requirements.txt
├── img
│   ├── CloudPinterestPipeline.png
│   ├── airflow_days_later.png
│   ├── airflow_mwaa_ui.png
│   ├── df_geo.png
│   ├── df_pin.png
│   ├── df_user.png
│   ├── image.png
│   ├── loading_data_into_topics.png
│   ├── msk_connnector.png
│   └── msk_plugin.png

4 directories, 22 files


Make a pull request lol.

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