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Getting Started

Patrick Sachs edited this page Mar 6, 2019 · 13 revisions

Okay, how do I get started with Helios?

Alright. Before we get started just make sure to have git, node.js and MongoDB installed. If you are on Windows, make sure to also manually add them to your PATH.

We need git to clone this repository and node.js to actually run the Helios server, since it's written in JavaScript. MongoDB is the database used by Helios.

I've installed them - Let's go!

Great, let's first clone the repository.

$ git clone
$ cd helios

We now have the source code of Helios locally.

Why do we need the source code if we 'just' want to use Helios?_ Due to the way Helios works the configuration files are compiled into the website itself. This means that we have to adjust the configuration files and then compile it ourselves. Sounds complex, but it isn't. I promise.

So, how do I edit these configuration files then?

Helios has two configuration files: The file for the server, and the file for the client(=browser).

Let's start with the client configuration since it's the flashier one. And once that's set up let's get into the meaty stuff and adjust the server configuration. You'll also want to read the first few lines of the style configuration.

Done! How do I compile and start Helios?

First make sure that you really adjusted the configuration files. Helios will not work with the default configuration in a production environment.

By now Helios should be moved to the machine you actually want to run it from. Now run the following command to install all third party code Helios depends on.

$ npm install

Depending on your connection this might take a while. Don't be alarmed by an error regarding node-gyp and python. These errors are expected on some platforms and as long as the compile command later works non concerning.

Now we are ready to compile.

$ npm run build

This will compile Helios into the .helios directory. This process can take several minutes on weaker machines.

Once this is done Helios and been fully compiled and is ready to run. Helios can now be started using the following command:

$ npm run start

This command may take a few minutes on first startup. If you haven't already done so while compiling, this might be a good time to get a coffee.

Keep in mind that if you use certs: "letsEncrypt" getting your SLL certificates may take several minutes. Also compiling the website can be a slow process on low GHz processors.

Ideally, you will want to set this command up to be executed at system start/set Helios up as a service. This is done different on every system. The sidebar contains some guides for common sever operation systems.

Helios is now up and running.