Building blocks for eye tracking in Augmented Reality AR
and Virtual Reality VR
or more generally Head Mounted Displays HMD
. The purpose of this repository is do demonstrates how to implement Pupil with Unity3D. For details on Pupil computations, please have a look at the related repositories.
This guide walks you through a first time setup for your Pupil Labs VR add-on.
- HTC Vive Add-on setup - Install your Pupil eye tracking add-on into your HMD and connect the add-on to your computer.
- Download Pupil Software. Extract the Pupil Capture app to your Desktop.
- Start Pupil Capture via the
in the Pupil Capture App folder. - Please refer to the Pupil getting started and user guide to ensure that eyes are well captured and that the pupil detection runs with high confidence (~0.8).
- Download and start hmd-eyes demo app - This demo runs a VR experience. The demo app talks to Pupil software in the background. You will use it to calibrate and visualize gaze data within a demo scene. The demo app will start with settings dialog.
- Start the demo with default values. You will see a view of the left eye of the hmd.
- This would be a good point to put said device on your head.
- Use the displayed realtime videos of your eyes to make sure they are as centered as possible and in focus.
- Press 'c' on your keyboard to start a calibration and focus your gaze on the displayed marker as it changes position.
- After a successful calibration, the example scene will appear again and the gaze estimate will be visualized.
Open the Package Manager Window, click on the +
dropdown, and choose Add package from git URL...
. Enter the followingURL:
See the Unity docs for more info.
Edit <your project folder>/Packages/manifest.json
and add the following to your dependencies section:
"com.pupillabs.hmdeyes": ""
The advantage of this approach is that it will allow you to specify this package as a dependency of another.
We do not yet have this package added to a "Scoped Registry", and UPM cannot resolve package git dependencies.
By default, Unity Package Manager (UPM) does not resolve git URLS as package->package dependencies. There are a couple ways to allowthis:
- For each dependency, add its URL to the project package manifest (see above).
- Use a custom solution, such as
Alternatively, we could host this package in a custom "Scoped Registry". For open source projects, a good option might be If/when we do decide to add this to a scoped registry, we should read this blog post on the topic:
- Unity 2020.3+
ProjectSettings/Player/Configuration/Scripting Runtime Verion
set to .NET 4.x Equivalent.- Due to an issue with MessagePack, the default project setting for
ProjectSettings/Player/Configuration/API Compatibility Level
is not supported and needs to be set to .NET 4.x
Chat with the hmd-eyes community on Discord.