This is a solution to the Advice generator app challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout for the app depending on their device's screen size
- See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
- Generate a new piece of advice by clicking the dice icon
- React - JS library
- Tailwind CSS - Utility First CSS Framework
In trying to render the advice number in my UI (Advice #), I initially set my useEffect to:
useEffect(() => {
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((advice) => {
I eventually realised I was losing the id because I was setting the state to the inner advice key:value from my response. I reached out to the reactiflux Discord community and was corrected to use
instead of
By doing this, I figured this would set advice to my initial state which I have as
const [advice, setAdvice] = useState({ id: null, advice: "" });
A good friend of mine explained that my initial state should be set to, after I initally set it to an empty string.
{ id: null, advice: "" }
It was important that I undersood this as in my console, I could see that each advice had an id and advice.
I wanted to have a go at this project as I am currently going through Jonas Schmedtmann's React course. Its a brillant course and I do recommend it. After going through a section of the course that goes through Data Fetching and effects, I wanted to test my understanding by building this project. Of course, I still feel there's more to learn and I will do so but I can feel my understanding of effects and data fetching has gotten better.
I wanted to use Tailwind as I felt it would be a good time to get a feel of it. I'd been using CSS for sometime and felt it was the right time to use Tailwind. My main resource was the Tailwind Docs.
I will continue to learn React in order to grasp the fundamentals
How to use the Fetch API with React? - I initially read this article to understand how to fetch my data
How to Fetch Data using API in React - This helped me in helping me fetch the data using the useEffect hook. I initially used the fetch method in my hook which caused confusion for when I wanted to use the onClick handler. I realised I could create a fetch callback function to fetch and store the data. I did so by simply moving my fetch data into my handleGetAdvice function, then calling it in my useEffect
Tailwind Installation - Setting Up Tailwind
Tailwind Responsiveness - Responsive Design
Tailwind Flex - Flex
Tailwind Min-Height - Min:Height
- @ReactiFlux Discord Community
- @MrBimWilliams
- @Jonas Schmedtmann