#SafePhish SafePhish is a product and service being developed to provide small to medium businesses with a way of testing their employees' phishing scam awareness. It involves a Web Interface that clients can use to view test results and start new tests. It also has it's own Outlook Addin for reporting potential phishing scams for review.
###Development Notes
Utilizes Laravel PHP Framework
Utilizes the centralized controller PhishingController.php
, to execute routes and processes.
- DBManager - Manages database connection using PDO
- Email - Executes an email process to send out a batch of emails to a database of users
- EmailConfiguration - Configuration object for maintaining all the necessary information to send an email
- TemplateConfiguration - Configuration object for maintaining all the necessary information to read and access a template
- User - User object
- Project - Projects are groupings to organize email sets sent out based on a specific task
- PDOIterator - Iterator class to iterate through a PDOStatement returned by a PDO Object or DBManager
- User_test - A Test User object being worked on to test best implementation of User object
- RandomObjectGeneration - Basic Library include for common Random Generation methods
- ConfigurationException - Custom exception thrown from
if error occurs - EmailException - Custom exception thrown from
if error occurs - QueryException - Custom exception thrown from
if error occurs after PDO Object instantiated
Utilizes blade templating for all public facing pages.
Templates organized based on:
- Errors
- Forms
- Emails
- Educational
- Phishing
- Errors
- Masters
- DataDisplays
- Authentication
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