A T-Shaped Software Engineer Highly Specialized in Mobile Development and A Microsoft Certified Solution Expert. Love Exploring New Technologies and a Self-Learner. I Have Combo Skillsets in Microsoft T-SQL and it's Server Management, Python (Flask, FastAPI), Native Android and Flutter. When it Comes to Web Projects, I Love Using SvelteKit and Tailwindcss. I Have Worked in a Redhat Environment and Familiar with Linux Server Management.
class ReachMeOut():
def __init__(self):
self.name = "Sai Htet Myat Htut";
self.username = "IamPotato";
self.location = "Thailand, Bangkok";
self.twitter = "@htetmyathtut";
def __str__(self):
return self.name
if __name__ == '__main__':
me = ReachMeOut()