This is a FullStack Chat app build using MERN stack with the help of Redux and RTK toolkit for state management and for real time communication.
- User Authentication by email verification
- Talk to any registered user by searching their userename
- Real time message delivery
- Real time activity status
Login to the GitHub account on which you have been granted access to this repository. If you have purchased the course but didn't get the access to this repository, please contact our support team. You will find contact details below.
Clone this repository -
git clone
Go to the cloned project directory
cd think-in-a-redux-way
Install dependencies
npm i
Install VS Code Live Server plugin & start the server.
npm start
Your app should be available in http://localhost:3000
Please follow the below instructions to run server in your machine:
- Go to the chat-backend directory(first clone the repo from
cd chat-backend
- Install dependencies
npm i
- Start the server
npm start