Web Scrapper for gettings the headlines of some news websites: https://pypi.org/project/newsscrapper-SamirPS/
To import the function :
from newsscrapper import fr
- LeMonde : fr.MondeSC()
- MediaPart: fr.MediaPartSC()
- BFMTV : fr.BmftvSC()
- Libération : fr.LibeSC()
from newsscrapper import en
- CNN : en.CNNSC()
- FoxNews: en.FoxNewsSC()
- AbcNews: en.ABCNewsSC()
- TheGuardian : en.TheGuardianSC()
- TheNewYorkTimes : en.TheNewYorkTimesSC()
from newsscrapper import es
The function return a dict like {"1":{"link":A,"images":{key_image:B,...},"title":C,"description":D,"summary":E,"keyword":F}}
The ... is for multiple images; key_image can be the "heightxweight" of the picture or a string representing an integer if we don't have the height or weight.