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Releases: Samsonboadi/StreetSmart

StreetSmart V3.0.4

05 Feb 13:23
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This version of the Qgis plugin Adds support to view Multi-Polygon as an overlay on the panorama viewer.
This plugin adds support for Qgis 3.28... LTS

StreetSmart V3.0.3

12 Jul 09:52
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: StreetSmart302...StreetSmart303

street smart 3.0.2

04 Jul 11:56
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api url changes have been updated

What's Changed

  • updated the wfs url to use the atlas version by @Samsonboadi in #2
  • Update by @Samsonboadi in #3
  • Modified the DLL copy dialog to grey it out and make it non checkable(checked by default)
  • Checks for Cefpython3 installation before DLL check

New Contributors

Full Changelog: StreetSmart...StreetSmart302

StreetSmart V3.0.1

27 Jun 06:39
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New Features:

Added the possibility of automatically installing Cefpython, saving users the effort of manual installation.
Introduced a new feature that allows the copying of the right DLLs to the required location with administrative privileges, ensuring smooth execution.
Implemented support for Qgis version 3.28.7, offering compatibility and integration with the latest version.

Enhanced the installation process by streamlining the steps required for setting up Cefpython.
Optimized the DLL copying mechanism to ensure accurate placement of the required files.
Updated the codebase to accommodate the changes and requirements of Qgis version 3.28.7, enabling users to leverage its latest functionalities.
Bug Fixes:

Addressed various issues and bugs reported by users, ensuring a more stable and reliable experience.

StreetSmart V3.0.1

26 Jun 14:53
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Release for a bug fix on using Ctrl + C to copy coordinates that makes the panorama viewer Exits

Full Changelog: streetsmart...streetsmartv3

StreetSmart V3.0.0

26 Jun 14:40
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This release of StreetSmart version takes care of installing the required library if not installed ,
It also checks if the right QGS DLLS are available otherwise copies them to the right location

Full Changelog: