Sequential Neural Posterior and Likelihood Approximation
A paper on simulation-based inference where we present an algorithm that learns both the posterior and the likelihood of the model.
In this paper, we use correlated particle pseudo-marginal Metropolis-Hastings (CPMMH) for accelerating inference for stochastic differential equation mixed-effects models (SDEMEMs).
A deep learning paper where we introduce the novel architecture partially exchangeable networks (PEN). In the paper, we use PEN for learning summary statistics for ABC.
Accelerating delayed-acceptance Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms
An MCMC paper where we develop an accelerated version of the delayed-acceptance algorithm. As a case study, we consider the computational challenging and highly complex problem of modeling protein folding.
Implementation of some ABC algorithms in Julia
Generic implementations of some ABC algorithms in Julia.
Introduction to likelihood-free inference
An introductory Jupyter notebook tutorial on likelihood-free inference.
Pioneers-pp: Bayesian statistics and ABC talk
Slides, examples, and computer exercises for my presentation at the Pioneers of Probabilistic Programming Meet-up group.
Slides for my talk at Bayes@Lund 2019.
A list of some useful terminal/git commands that I regularly use.