0.1.1 (Hotfix 2)
- New stack. If few events are triggered at same time - order of resolution can be chosen.
- New content from Wave 1: Non-unique pilots of Y-Wing and TIE Advanced, Wedge Antilles, "Howlrunner", "Backstabber", "Winder Gundark", R2 Astromech
- Playmats are available in options (12)
- Ships can be rotated during setup (Keys Q and E, hold CTRL to rotate by 45 degrees. Key R resets rotation).
- Visible IDs of ships (Hold ALT)
- Help in formation setup (hold CTRL to keep distance between ships as width of maneuver template).
- Icons of buffs/debuffs (Example: activated Marksmanship)
- Movement prediction - asteroid collisions and bumps are checked before execution of movement. Will be used later for AI.
- Ship can shoot parallel ship without obstacle obstruction, if this is possible.
- Simultaneous attack rule.
Hotfix 1
- "Marksmanship" is fixed
- Upgrade "Concussion Missiles" is hidden as part of unfinished content
Hotfix 2
- "R2-F2" is fixed
- "R2 Astromech" is fixed
- Y-Wing shields are returned
- BONUS: Mac build!