Add Bluetooth Mobile Controller based on iCade support to your Unity iOS project.
In your Xcode project, add the files that begin with iCade to the Classes folder. Open from this repo, and copy/paste the lines of code to the correct places in the Unity generated of your project.
In MonoDevelop, simply use Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.JoystickButton#)). The corresponding button numbers are shown in bluetooth_controller.jpg.
** IMPORTANT! ** When you press a key on the controller unity will send an event of KeyDown instantly followed by an KeyUp event so you can't rely on Input.GetKeyUp when using this library. Use Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.JoystickButton#) using the # corresponding to press or release of the key as shown in bluetooth_controller.jpg.
This prject is a modified version of mattfox12's iCade-Unity to work with the bluetooth mobile controller who comes with VR Box
iCadeReaderView.h, iCadeReaderView.m and iCadeState.h slightly modified (retains/releases delegate) from