NB: The auto-populate feature is unavailable, as leaving the project public means the API Key will be visible, which disables itself.
ST10024620 POE Complete
Application Title: RaaviRoo Recipe Book Application Version: 3.0 Developed by: Sauraav Jayrajh
Contact Me:
Phone: 071 924 4175 Email: sauraavjayrajh@gmail.com
- Implemented GUI
- Implemented Edit Recipe Feature
- Implemented Menu Feature
- Implemented Menu Statistics Feature
- Implemented Autofill Feature
- Reworked Backend Functionality to Accomodate GUI Implementation
The RaaviRoo Recipe Book is desktop application that allows you to manage your recipes. You can create new recipes, view recipe details, scale recipe quantities, reset ingredient quantities to their original values.
Getting Started:
The application is fairly lightweight and does not require much compute power to function. Here are the absolute minimum requiremnts.
Software Requirements:
- Windows Based Operating System (Windows 7 or Higher )
- Version 4.7.2 of the .NET Framework
- Visual Studio 2019 or Above (If compiling the application yourself)
- An internet connection (For the autofill feature)
Hardware Requirements:
- An x86 architecture CPU
- 1GB of RAM
- 48MB Storage
Installation Instructions:
For compiling yourself:
- Clone this repository to your local machine
- Open the solution in Visual Studio
- Build the solution and run the application
For running the compiled version:
- Locate and run "Sauraav_POE.exe".
Upon running the application, you will be presented with a menu of options to the left hand side of your screen:
- CREATE a new Recipe
- VIEW a Recipe
- EDIT a Recipes
- SCALE a Recipe
- CLOSE the Program
To select an option, simply click on them. You may then follow the on screen instructions to complete the different types of tasks.
- How do I use the application?
A complete application instruction manual has been created to intoduce and familiarize you with the new UI! you may consult the manual for comprehensive application usage.
- I've entered in an invalid value, do I have to start over?
Absolutely NOT! All you need to do is re-enter a value in the corresponding field and then try again.
- I've saved a recipe which had a typo. Can I change it?
Definitely! All you need to do is edit and save your changes to the recipe in the edit recipe window.
- I've saved many recipes, but I feel they need organisation. Can this program help?
Yes! The program allows you to organize recipes into different Menus! For example, you can separate your sweet treats from your meals by creating a dessert menu.
- Can I possibly tell how healthy my recipe is?
Yes! We've added a feature that allows you to tell the contents of your menu by displaying the quantity of each foodgroup in each menu. It's even in the form of a Pie chart for easy understanding. You can also hover over the pie menu for more details. Make sure you keep a balanced diet!
Plugins and Frameworks Used:
- MSTest.TestAdapter.2.2.10
- MSTest.TestFramework.2.2.10
- NUnit.3.13.3
- NUnit3TestAdapter.4.5.0
- WPF and .NET Framework
- LiveCharts 0.9.7
- LiveCharts.Wpf 0.9.7
- OpenAI_API 1.7.2
My GitHub Repo: https://github.com/VCWVL/prog6221---programming-2a---part-1-Saupernova13
Guide for C# Arrays: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/arrays/
Guide for C# Data Types: https://www.w3schools.com/cs/cs_data_types.php
YouTube Tutorials for C# (Assorted): https://www.youtube.com/@BroCodez/videos
C# Course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhQdlIFylQ8&pp=ygURZnJlZSBjb2RlIGNhbXAgYyM%3D
NUnit Adapter Breakdown: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=NUnitDevelopers.NUnitTestAdapter
Explanation for error I had creating Unit Tests: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/compiler-messages/cs0234?f1url=%3FappId%3Droslyn%26k%3Dk(CS0234)
The Post that helped me check for internet connectivity: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2031824/what-is-the-best-way-to-check-for-internet-connectivity-using-net
The Post that helped me make a dynamically reaizable dotted border: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6195395/how-can-i-achieve-a-dashed-or-dotted-border-in-wpf
The video which inspired my general GUI design: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzP8mw7JUzI
This project is licensed under the MIT License.