chore(deps-dev): bump @stylistic/eslint-plugin-ts from 2.11.0 to 2.12.1 #412
GitHub Actions / Test Results
Dec 30, 2024 in 0s
All 104 tests pass in 0s
1 files 1 suites 0s ⏱️
104 tests 104 ✅ 0 💤 0 ❌
105 runs 105 ✅ 0 💤 0 ❌
Results for commit 5ee3b99.
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
104 tests found
There are 104 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
content-model ‑ content-model applySorting does not throw error without onSortingCallback - all-items
content-model ‑ content-model applySorting does not throw error without onSortingCallback - non-all-items
content-model ‑ content-model applySorting invokes the onSorting callback - all-items
content-model ‑ content-model applySorting invokes the onSorting callback - non-all-items
content-model ‑ content-model can be instantiated with all-items and without paging - all-items length 0
content-model ‑ content-model can be instantiated with all-items and without paging - all-items length 2
content-model ‑ content-model can be instantiated without all-items and with asynchronous paging options - pageSize: 20
content-model ‑ content-model can be instantiated without all-items and with asynchronous paging options - pageSize: undefined
content-model ‑ content-model can be instantiated without all-items and with synchronous paging options - pageSize: 20
content-model ‑ content-model can be instantiated without all-items and with synchronous paging options - pageSize: undefined
content-model ‑ content-model cannot be instantiated without either all-items or paging
content-model ‑ content-model goToNextPage logs warning when on last page - all-items
content-model ‑ content-model goToNextPage logs warning when on last page - non-all-items
content-model ‑ content-model goToPreviousPage logs warning when on first page - all-items
content-model ‑ content-model goToPreviousPage logs warning when on first page - non-all-items
content-model ‑ content-model ignores subsequent goToPage requests for the same page number when either the page or the count promise is pending
content-model ‑ content-model multiple selection mode is supported - all-items
content-model ‑ content-model multiple selection mode is supported - non-all-items
content-model ‑ content-model paging can be disabled by setting pageSize to null - all-items
content-model ‑ content-model paging can be disabled by setting pageSize to null - non-all-items
content-model ‑ content-model paging options works for all-items - pageSize: 2 - length: 10
content-model ‑ content-model paging options works for all-items - pageSize: 20 - length: 100
content-model ‑ content-model selection mode can be disabled by setting the selectionMode explicitly to None - all-items
content-model ‑ content-model selection mode can be disabled by setting the selectionMode explicitly to None - non-all-items
content-model ‑ content-model selection mode can be disabled by setting the selectionOptions to null - all-items
content-model ‑ content-model selection mode can be disabled by setting the selectionOptions to null - non-all-items
content-model ‑ content-model single selection mode is supported - all-items
content-model ‑ content-model single selection mode is supported - non-all-items
content-model ‑ content-model with paging enabled selection works only for the currentPage - multiple-selection mode - all-items
content-model ‑ content-model with paging enabled selection works only for the currentPage - multiple-selection mode - non-all-items
content-model ‑ content-model with paging enabled selection works only for the currentPage - single-selection mode - all-items
content-model ‑ content-model with paging enabled selection works only for the currentPage - single-selection mode - non-all-items
data-grid ‑ data-grid auto-generates column header if not provided
data-grid ‑ data-grid calls back the bound item-clicked on dblclick with single-selection mode
data-grid ‑ data-grid calls back the bound item-clicked when a row is clicked - selectionOptions: null
data-grid ‑ data-grid calls back the bound item-clicked when a row is clicked - selectionOptions: {"mode":0}
data-grid ‑ data-grid calls the onSorting callback when a sortable header is clicked
data-grid ‑ data-grid clicking a row should not raise error when the item-clicked callback is not bound
data-grid ‑ data-grid column reordering holds after data change
data-grid ‑ data-grid columns can be hidden
data-grid ‑ data-grid defining id attribute for every column makes the list state exportable
data-grid ‑ data-grid defining property attribute for every column makes the list state exportable
data-grid ‑ data-grid does not throw error on double-clicking item on multiple-selection mode if the item-clicked is not bound
data-grid ‑ data-grid does not throw error on double-clicking item on single-selection mode if the item-clicked is not bound
data-grid ‑ data-grid maintains a minimum width
data-grid ‑ data-grid removes text selection on click with multi-selection mode - ctrlKey: false - shiftKey: true
data-grid ‑ data-grid removes text selection on click with multi-selection mode - ctrlKey: true - shiftKey: false
data-grid ‑ data-grid removes text selection on click with multi-selection mode - ctrlKey: true - shiftKey: true
data-grid ‑ data-grid removes text selection on click with single-selection mode
data-grid ‑ data-grid removes text selection on dblclick with multi-selection mode - ctrlKey: false - shiftKey: true
data-grid ‑ data-grid removes text selection on dblclick with multi-selection mode - ctrlKey: true - shiftKey: false
data-grid ‑ data-grid removes text selection on dblclick with multi-selection mode - ctrlKey: true - shiftKey: true
data-grid ‑ data-grid removes text selection on dblclick with single-selection mode
data-grid ‑ data-grid renders the content as per given template - custom element
data-grid ‑ data-grid renders the content as per given template - native HTML element
data-grid ‑ data-grid renders the content as per given template - text content
data-grid ‑ data-grid respects the bound state during binding and writes the changes back to the bound state
data-grid ‑ data-grid respects the locally registered dependencies of parent components
data-grid ‑ data-grid respects the sort-direction set from the template - direction: asc
data-grid ‑ data-grid respects the sort-direction set from the template - direction: ascending
data-grid ‑ data-grid respects the sort-direction set from the template - direction: desc
data-grid ‑ data-grid respects the sort-direction set from the template - direction: descending
data-grid ‑ data-grid selects a range of items on click followed by shift+click with multiple-selection mode - 1
data-grid ‑ data-grid selects a range of items on click followed by shift+click with multiple-selection mode - 2
data-grid ‑ data-grid selects a range of items on click followed by shift+click with multiple-selection mode - 3
data-grid ‑ data-grid selects a range of items on shift+click followed by shift+click with multiple-selection mode
data-grid ‑ data-grid selects multiple individual items on ctrl+click with multiple-selection mode
data-grid ‑ data-grid selects multiple items with shift+click combined with ctrl+click with multiple-selection mode
data-grid ‑ data-grid selects single items on click with single-selection mode
data-grid ‑ data-grid supports change of data - all-items
data-grid ‑ data-grid supports change of data - paged items
data-grid ‑ data-grid supports column reordering
data-grid ‑ data-grid supports column resizing
data-grid ‑ data-grid supports non-resizable column
data-grid ‑ data-grid supports statically defined column widths and resizing thereafter
data-grid ‑ data-grid toggles selection with ctrl+click with multiple-selection mode
grid state ‑ grid state GridStateModel#applyState can work with columns not provided in the state
grid state ‑ grid state GridStateModel#applyState ignores unknown columns
grid state ‑ grid state GridStateModel#applyState rearranges columns as per the given state - #1
grid state ‑ grid state GridStateModel#applyState rearranges columns as per the given state - #2
grid state ‑ grid state GridStateModel#createViewFactories creates view factories for all columns
grid state ‑ grid state GridStateModel#hideColumns marks columns as hidden
grid state ‑ grid state GridStateModel#initializeActiveSortOptions cannot set the active sort options if sort direction set is not set for any column
grid state ‑ grid state GridStateModel#initializeActiveSortOptions sets the active sort options from the first column with sort direction set
grid state ‑ grid state column direction can be set using setDirection for sortable column
grid state ‑ grid state column direction cannot be set for un-sortable column
grid state ‑ grid state column state cannot be instantiated with empty property name
grid state ‑ grid state column state cannot be instantiated without id - ''
grid state ‑ grid state column state cannot be instantiated without id - 'null'
grid state ‑ grid state column state cannot be instantiated without id - 'undefined'
grid state ‑ grid state createViewFactories creates view factories once
grid state ‑ grid state exportable column state can be exported
grid state ‑ grid state instantiation of column adds it to the parent grid state
grid state ‑ grid state non-exportable column state cannot be exported
grid state ‑ grid state non-null property name makes the column sortable
grid state ‑ grid state null property name sets the direction as null
grid state ‑ grid state state can be applied on the parent GridStateModel as a whole
grid state ‑ grid state subscribers are notified correctly for order change
grid state ‑ grid state subscribers are notified correctly for sorting options change - with initialized sorting options
grid state ‑ grid state subscribers are notified correctly for sorting options change - without initialized sorting options
grid state ‑ grid state subscribers are notified correctly for width change
grid state ‑ grid state tryApplyState applies state when both id and property matches
grid state ‑ grid state tryApplyState does not apply state when if id does not match
grid state ‑ grid state tryApplyState does not apply state when if property does not match