Basic implementation of a Neural Network for training on the popular MNIST dataset.
Two possible approaches are available:
Simple Network: A simple 3-layered neural network trained over the full training dataset using backpropagation and gradient descent.
Bagging ensemble: Several 3-leayered neural networks trained each over different random subsets (60% of the size) of the training dataset and aggregating their results to produce the final prediction in order to reduce the overfitting incurred by the original model.
First of all, download the MNIST dataset and unzip it into a local directory.
After this, you can just run the script:
python --nn
The following arguments are accepted by the script:
- --help Display help.
- --nn Indicates that training with a simple 3-layer Neural Network should be performed.
- --bag Indicates that training using bagging with several models should be performed.
- -d dir Indicates the directory where the dataset .idx files are located. By default it assumes the local directory.
- -lr lr Indicates what the learning rate of the neural network should be. Default value is 0.2.
- -n n Indicates how many different model should be built when using bagging. Default value is 15.
- -e e Indicates for how many epochs each neural network should be trained (divided by 10 for bagging). Default value is 1000.
MIT License