Keeps your secrets. Cryptic is a monad for encrypting and decryptic data. To use cryptic you must select a crypto and a serializer.
Cryptic supports several crypto libraries and serializers, select the modules you nedd or write your own
Module | Supports |
crypto-javax | AES, RSA |
crypto-bouncycastle | ECIES (Elliptic curve) |
serialization-fst | FST |
"scalacrypto" %% "core" % "1.0.0"
"scalacrypto" %% "serialization-fst" % "1.0.0"
To use AES or RSA
"scalacrypto" %% "crypto-javax" % "1.0.0"
Import base package and syntax extension:
import cryptic._
import cryptic.syntax._
Define your data types:
case class EmailAddress(literal: String)
case class User(id: Long, email: Encrypted[EmailAddress])
Encrypt your data using convenient syntax (a crypto and a serializer must be available):
import{KeyPair, PrivateKey, PublicKey}
import cryptic.serialization.Fst._
import cryptic.syntax._
import cryptic.crypto.ECIES
// We need an implicit public key to enable encryption
private val keyPair: KeyPair = ECIES.keygen(256)
implicit private val publicKey: PublicKey = keyPair.getPublic
val user = User(123, EmailAddress("").encrypted)
Access your data in encrypted form (can be done without crypto/serializer):
val bytes: Array[Byte] =
Transform your data (can be done without crypto/serializer):
val lowered =
map(_.copy(literal = _.literal.toLower))
Run your staged transformations (a crypto and a serializer must be available):
import cryptic.crypto.RSA._
import cryptic.serialization.Fst._
val user2 = user.copy(
email =
Decrypt your transformed data (a crypto and a serializer must be available):
import cryptic.crypto.RSA._
import cryptic.serialization.Fst._
val emailInLower =