Apptivity is an application that aims to connect like-minded individuals and encourage social interaction through informal activities. Users can choose to swipe right and attend activities they are interested in or create their own activity to host in their local area.
- What is this?
- What problem does it solve?
- What did we learn?
- Tech Stack
- Design and Development Process
- API Endpoints
- Database ERD
- Project Next Steps
- Project Status
- Setup to Run Locally
- Original Project Brief
This project was started for the School of Code National Bootcamp's Final Project. Our team of 4 had 4 weeks to design, build, deploy, and demo a full-stack app.
The pandemic has impacted relationships and social interaction globally and the current social and meet apps are costly and littered with corporate events.
As our first large project working as a team, we wanted to learn and implement Agile methodology into our development process. Focusing on a good collaborated interaction development process between pair programming, task branching, code reviews, adaptable code development, continuous integration, and regular release cadences.
For every repository we created 2 branches, deployment branch, and development branch. Also we disigned a pattern program for every new feature, or new code that we implemented, since creating a new branch, making code reviews, mergin to the development branch, and finally to the main branch.
Our tech stack is a React frontend deployed to Netlify. And a Node/Express REST API deployed to Heroku with a Postgres database. We chose this stack because we all had some foundational knowledge and skills, so we knew we could build a polished MVP.
Our learning focus was on testing and CI/CD. For the frontend we wrote tests using Cypress, Jest, and the React Testing Library. On the backend we wrote tests with Postman, Jest, and Supertest. We also made a CI/CD pipeline with GitHub Actions to automatically run integration tests and deploy the backend code to Heroku.
The team used a Miro Board to brainstorm initial app ideas. We used dot voting to narrow down our choices and Disney Ideation to define our MVP.
Route | Body | HTTP Verb | Behavior |
/users | none | GET | Fetch all users |
/users | {"user_name": <String>, "email": <String>} | PUT | Create a new user if it's not already in the database |
/activities | none | GET | Fetch all activities that the user hasn't interacted with yet. If query params are included, only activities that match the filters will be returned. |
/activities?location=<String>&date=<String>&type=<String> | {"location_name": <String>, "max_attendees": <Number>, "date_time": <ISOTimestamp>, "description": <String>, "type": <String>} | POST | Create a new activity and add the host to the participants table as "attending". |
/participants | {"activity_id": <Number>, "participant_role": <String>} | PUT | Create a new participant relationship between user and activity. Or update a user's role if the relationship exists. |
/participants/:participant_role | none | GET | Get all activities based on a user's role. |
- Activity sign-up / creation confirmations to attendees and hosts
- Upcoming activity reminders
- Personalised
- Option to view other users / be viewed
- Activity hosts can view attendees for their activity
- Hosts can make activity 'announcements' that get sent to all confirmed attendees
- Group chat for individual activities
- Safety and security measures
Our frontend is deployed through Netlify here:
- "start": run the production server with Node
- "dev": run the development server with Nodemon
- "test-db-server": run the testing server with Nodemon and connection to the testing database
- "test": run Jest/Supertest integration tests
- "db:deploy": Create and populate the production database tables
- "db:deleteAllTables": Delete all production database tables
- "db:setup-test-db": Create and populate the test database tables
- "db:reset-test-db": Reset the test database tables
To clone the repo:
git clone
cd final-project-api-hack-to-the-future
Create an .env file
Create an .env file in the root folder with the following environment variables:
DATABASE_URL=<your database connection string>
TESTING_DATABASE_URL=<optional: a connection string for a testing or staging database>
To setup up the production and testing databases:
npm i
npm run db:deploy
npm run db:setup-test-db
To run the backend locally:
npm i
npm run dev
And go to http://localhost:3000
To run tests:
To run Jest unit tests:
npm test
To run Postman tests, find the Postman .json file in the \Tests folder and load it into Postman.
The following brief was set by the School of Code, to be completed in the final four weeks of our 16 week bootcamp:
"We would like your final project to be centred on a user or a problem, so that you can apply all of the principles we've visited on the course to engineer a solution in a user-driven methodology.
Our requirements are that you focus the idea and development on a real-world problem and put users at the centre of your project."