ImageGoNord is a tool that can convert your rgb images to nordtheme palette.
You can find more information here: ImageGoNord
This repository is a client, written in python, that can convert any sort of image into a nordtheme palette image.
Include any essential instructions for:
Getting it:
git clone
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Running it
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$PWD/src:$PWD/tests python src/image_go_nord_client --img='<path_to_your_image>'
Or if you prefer
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$PWD/src:$PWD/tests cd src python image_go_nord_client --img='<path_to_your_image>'
The algorithm can take some time (we are working on improving it), you can find the result with the name nord.png.
You can define some more configuration and use different palettes, find more using:
python src/image_go_nord_client --img='<path_to_your_image>'
- Follow the contributor guidelines
- Follow the code style / requirements
- Format for commit messages
NOTE: we are not (yet) affiliated with the Nordtheme or Arcticicestudio.