I am 30, a student, programmer with a heart for bugs, and most of the time confused about what I am doing. Most of my projects here are just for fun and often experimental or stupid as hell. I love bad JavaScript jokes as much I love tea and I love tea a lot! 🍵
My preferred languages are either Scala or C#, but I also use PHP, Java, Python, and some JavaScript/ TypeScript.
My IDE to go is right now IntelliJ for scala and everything related to the JVM. Visual Studio for all the dotnet related things, and vs-code for some casual experiments. The frameworks I used to work with the most are the Akka framework for actors and ANTLR for parsing data. For my web projects I prefer Vue.js and Tailwind CSS. And, as you can see, git is no stranger to me.
Some of my old projects:
A basic qr-code generator build with flask-restful and vue.js.
A simple dungeon crawler written in dart.
An LLVM compiler for the cymbol language. One of my projects for studies.
Cereal 🥛
This is one of these experimental projects. It's a compiler for a custom java dialect, which is mostly designed around my favorite topic: Breakfast, or more specific: cereal. It's more a fun project than something serious.
A test client for IRC servers, which are written by the students at the TH Lübeck in the course "Distributed Systems". It's built with the Akka framework, ANTLR, and StringTemplate.
A modified version of the 'pyController' package for usage with a ThunderBorg. Supports multiple controller layouts which can be customized. Part of a bigger project during my studies.