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decompress.ps1: Refactored (w/ install.ps1, core.ps1)
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niheaven committed Feb 26, 2019
1 parent 065ff35 commit b98d8ac
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Showing 5 changed files with 154 additions and 149 deletions.
53 changes: 0 additions & 53 deletions lib/core.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -273,59 +273,6 @@ function isFileLocked([string]$path) {

function extract_zip($path, $to) {
if (!(test-path $path)) { abort "can't find $path to unzip"}
try { add-type -assembly "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem" -ea stop }
catch { unzip_old $path $to; return } # for .net earlier than 4.5
$retries = 0
while ($retries -le 10) {
if ($retries -eq 10) {
if (7zip_installed) {
extract_7zip $path $to $false
} else {
abort "Unzip failed: Windows can't unzip because a process is locking the file.`nRun 'scoop install 7zip' and try again."
if (isFileLocked $path) {
write-host "Waiting for $path to be unlocked by another process... ($retries/10)"
Start-Sleep -s 2
} else {

try {
} catch [] {
# try to fall back to 7zip if path is too long
if(7zip_installed) {
extract_7zip $path $to $false
} else {
abort "Unzip failed: Windows can't handle the long paths in this zip file.`nRun 'scoop install 7zip' and try again."
} catch [] {
if (7zip_installed) {
extract_7zip $path $to $false
} else {
abort "Unzip failed: Windows can't handle the file names in this zip file.`nRun 'scoop install 7zip' and try again."
} catch {
abort "Unzip failed: $_"

function unzip_old($path,$to) {
# fallback for .net earlier than 4.5
$shell = (new-object -com shell.application -strict)
$zipfiles = $shell.namespace("$path").items()
$to = ensure $to
$shell.namespace("$to").copyHere($zipfiles, 4) # 4 = don't show progress dialog

function is_directory([String] $path) {
return (Test-Path $path) -and (Get-Item $path) -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]
Expand Down
92 changes: 92 additions & 0 deletions lib/decompress.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,3 +29,95 @@ function extract_7zip($path, $to, $recurse) {

if($recurse) { Remove-Item $path } # clean up intermediate files

function extract_msi($path, $to) {
$logfile = "$(split-path $path)\msi.log"
$ok = run 'msiexec' @('/a', "`"$path`"", '/qn', "TARGETDIR=`"$to`"", "/lwe `"$logfile`"")
if(!$ok) { abort "Failed to extract files from $path.`nLog file:`n $(friendly_path $logfile)" }
if(test-path $logfile) { Remove-Item $logfile }

function lessmsi_config ($extract_dir) {
$extract_fn = 'extract_lessmsi'
if ($extract_dir) {
$extract_dir = join-path SourceDir $extract_dir
} else {
$extract_dir = "SourceDir"

$extract_fn, $extract_dir

function extract_lessmsi($path, $to) {
Invoke-Expression "lessmsi x `"$path`" `"$to\`""

function unpack_inno($fname, $manifest, $dir) {
if (!$manifest.innosetup) { return }

write-host "Unpacking innosetup... " -nonewline
innounp -x -d"$dir\_scoop_unpack" "$dir\$fname" > "$dir\innounp.log"
if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) {
abort "Failed to unpack innosetup file. See $dir\innounp.log"

Get-ChildItem "$dir\_scoop_unpack\{app}" -r | Move-Item -dest "$dir" -force

Remove-Item -r -force "$dir\_scoop_unpack"

Remove-Item "$dir\$fname"
Write-Host "done." -f Green

function extract_zip($path, $to) {
if (!(test-path $path)) { abort "can't find $path to unzip"}
try { add-type -assembly "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem" -ea stop }
catch { unzip_old $path $to; return } # for .net earlier than 4.5
$retries = 0
while ($retries -le 10) {
if ($retries -eq 10) {
if (7zip_installed) {
extract_7zip $path $to $false
} else {
abort "Unzip failed: Windows can't unzip because a process is locking the file.`nRun 'scoop install 7zip' and try again."
if (isFileLocked $path) {
write-host "Waiting for $path to be unlocked by another process... ($retries/10)"
Start-Sleep -s 2
} else {

try {
[io.compression.zipfile]::extracttodirectory($path, $to)
} catch [] {
# try to fall back to 7zip if path is too long
if (7zip_installed) {
extract_7zip $path $to $false
} else {
abort "Unzip failed: Windows can't handle the long paths in this zip file.`nRun 'scoop install 7zip' and try again."
} catch [] {
if (7zip_installed) {
extract_7zip $path $to $false
} else {
abort "Unzip failed: Windows can't handle the file names in this zip file.`nRun 'scoop install 7zip' and try again."
} catch {
abort "Unzip failed: $_"

function unzip_old($path, $to) {
# fallback for .net earlier than 4.5
$shell = (new-object -com shell.application -strict)
$zipfiles = $shell.namespace("$path").items()
$to = ensure $to
$shell.namespace("$to").copyHere($zipfiles, 4) # 4 = don't show progress dialog
40 changes: 0 additions & 40 deletions lib/install.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -592,18 +592,6 @@ function dl_urls($app, $version, $manifest, $bucket, $architecture, $dir, $use_c
$fname # returns the last downloaded file

function lessmsi_config ($extract_dir) {
$extract_fn = 'extract_lessmsi'
if ($extract_dir) {
$extract_dir = join-path SourceDir $extract_dir
else {
$extract_dir = "SourceDir"

$extract_fn, $extract_dir

function cookie_header($cookies) {
if(!$cookies) { return }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -739,23 +727,6 @@ function run($exe, $arg, $msg, $continue_exit_codes) {
return $true

function unpack_inno($fname, $manifest, $dir) {
if(!$manifest.innosetup) { return }

write-host "Unpacking innosetup... " -nonewline
innounp -x -d"$dir\_scoop_unpack" "$dir\$fname" > "$dir\innounp.log"
if($lastexitcode -ne 0) {
abort "Failed to unpack innosetup file. See $dir\innounp.log"

Get-ChildItem "$dir\_scoop_unpack\{app}" -r | Move-Item -dest "$dir" -force

Remove-Item -r -force "$dir\_scoop_unpack"

Remove-Item "$dir\$fname"
Write-Host "done." -f Green

function run_installer($fname, $manifest, $architecture, $dir, $global) {
# MSI or other installer
$msi = msi $manifest $architecture
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -800,17 +771,6 @@ function install_msi($fname, $dir, $msi) {
Remove-Item $msifile

function extract_msi($path, $to) {
$logfile = "$(split-path $path)\msi.log"
$ok = run 'msiexec' @('/a', "`"$path`"", '/qn', "TARGETDIR=`"$to`"", "/lwe `"$logfile`"")
if(!$ok) { abort "Failed to extract files from $path.`nLog file:`n $(friendly_path $logfile)" }
if(test-path $logfile) { Remove-Item $logfile }

function extract_lessmsi($path, $to) {
Invoke-Expression "lessmsi x `"$path`" `"$to\`""

# deprecated
# get-wmiobject win32_product is slow and checks integrity of each installed program,
# so this uses the [wmi] type accelerator instead
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56 changes: 0 additions & 56 deletions test/Scoop-Core.Tests.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,62 +61,6 @@ describe "movedir" -Tag 'Scoop' {

describe "unzip_old" -Tag 'Scoop' {
beforeall {
$working_dir = setup_working "unzip_old"

function test-unzip($from) {
$to = strip_ext $from

if(is_unix) {
unzip_old ($from -replace '\\','/') ($to -replace '\\','/')
} else {
unzip_old ($from -replace '/','\') ($to -replace '/','\')


context "zip file size is zero bytes" {
$zerobyte = "$working_dir\"
$zerobyte | should -exist

it "unzips file with zero bytes without error" -skip:$isUnix {
# some combination of pester, COM (used within unzip_old), and Win10 causes a bugged return value from test-unzip
# `$to = test-unzip $zerobyte` * RETURN_VAL has a leading space and complains of $null usage when used in PoSH functions
$to = ([string](test-unzip $zerobyte)).trimStart()

$to | should -not -match '^\s'
$to | should -not -benullorempty

$to | should -exist

(Get-ChildItem $to).count | should -be 0

context "zip file is small in size" {
$small = "$working_dir\"
$small | should -exist

it "unzips file which is small in size" -skip:$isUnix {
# some combination of pester, COM (used within unzip_old), and Win10 causes a bugged return value from test-unzip
# `$to = test-unzip $small` * RETURN_VAL has a leading space and complains of $null usage when used in PoSH functions
$to = ([string](test-unzip $small)).trimStart()

$to | should -not -match '^\s'
$to | should -not -benullorempty

$to | should -exist

# these don't work for some reason on appveyor
#join-path $to "empty" | should -exist
#(gci $to).count | should -be 1

describe "shim" -Tag 'Scoop' {
beforeall {
$working_dir = setup_working "shim"
Expand Down
62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions test/Scoop-Decompress.Tests.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
. "$psscriptroot\Scoop-TestLib.ps1"
. "$psscriptroot\..\lib\core.ps1"
. "$psscriptroot\..\lib\decompress.ps1"
. "$psscriptroot\..\lib\unix.ps1"

$isUnix = is_unix

describe "unzip_old" -Tag 'Scoop' {
beforeall {
$working_dir = setup_working "unzip_old"

function test-unzip($from) {
$to = strip_ext $from

if(is_unix) {
unzip_old ($from -replace '\\','/') ($to -replace '\\','/')
} else {
unzip_old ($from -replace '/','\') ($to -replace '/','\')


context "zip file size is zero bytes" {
$zerobyte = "$working_dir\"
$zerobyte | should -exist

it "unzips file with zero bytes without error" -skip:$isUnix {
# some combination of pester, COM (used within unzip_old), and Win10 causes a bugged return value from test-unzip
# `$to = test-unzip $zerobyte` * RETURN_VAL has a leading space and complains of $null usage when used in PoSH functions
$to = ([string](test-unzip $zerobyte)).trimStart()

$to | should -not -match '^\s'
$to | should -not -benullorempty

$to | should -exist

(Get-ChildItem $to).count | should -be 0

context "zip file is small in size" {
$small = "$working_dir\"
$small | should -exist

it "unzips file which is small in size" -skip:$isUnix {
# some combination of pester, COM (used within unzip_old), and Win10 causes a bugged return value from test-unzip
# `$to = test-unzip $small` * RETURN_VAL has a leading space and complains of $null usage when used in PoSH functions
$to = ([string](test-unzip $small)).trimStart()

$to | should -not -match '^\s'
$to | should -not -benullorempty

$to | should -exist

# these don't work for some reason on appveyor
#join-path $to "empty" | should -exist
#(gci $to).count | should -be 1

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