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Spotify Playlist Maker


  • React.js 18
  • Node.js ^16.10. Need to change your version?
  • Firebase (database, auth, hosting, and storage).

Getting Started

get credentials from spotify and firebase We are using "yarn" instead of "npm" in this project.

  1. Install yarn. npm install -g yarn
  2. Install all node modules. yarn install
  3. Make a copy of .env.local.example and rename it to .env.local.
  4. Boot up the server. yarn start


  1. Go to the official Firebase website and set up a project.
  2. Enable Firebase Hosting by going into the hosting section under Build dropdown.
  3. Inside your repo run the following commands (one at a time):
  4. npm install -g firebase-tools
  5. firebase login
  6. firebase init
  7. yarn build (remember to always build before deploying your code to production).
  8. firebase deploy
  9. If you run into trouble take a look at:

Sprint Progress

Go to the milestones tab to track your progress, it is important that when you complete an issue you mark it as closed.

Public URL

Replace me with the link to your app's URL