Kotlin + React => To build the reactjs
Bulma + FontAwesome => To leverage its CSS / fonts to build menu/tab/styles.
Below 5 have been adopted as Kotlin Wrapper formal examples since Nov, 2017
A port of "Thinking in React" example
An example of using axios to fetch remote data. It also demonstrates how to add typings for an external library.
An example of using Quill that shows how to use an external React component.
Follow these examples to learn how to start developing your React apps with Kotlin. Good luck and have fun!
npm install -g create-react-kotlin-app
create-react-kotlin-app my-kotlin-app
cd my-kotlin-app
npm start
You can git clone / download my repo to overwrite above "my-kotlin-app" The key contents in src & public folder.
Or , it should be work if you just clone my repo to your local machine and "npm start" it should be try download node_modules firstly and then auto open the web to show result
- Search web and find: https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-scripts-kotlin As for Nov 30, the latest version is 2.1.2 Update package.json with that new version.
- npm i react-scripts-kotlin --save