ngyn is a collection of modules and directives initially extracted from a large scale, entity-centric, configuration management application created by Configit Software.
These components typically help reduce some of the inevitable boilerplate code which creeps into larger applications.
Modules Currently include
- Resourceful Routing: Adds advanced rails style routing to AngularJS. Particularly useful in entity-centric apps.
- Resource Extensions: Hooks for adding data on the way out or parsing it on the way in.
- Select Key: Allows you to specify a way to match an ng-option element to the select's ng-model.
- Select2: A directive to perform an in-place progressive enhancement to convert a select element into a select2 one.
Full documentation:
Todo a single build run
npm install
This will concat the src/
files and copy them to the dist/
When developing it can be useful to auto build and run tests each time a file is modified. To start watching files run
node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt karma:background watch
This will start a karma process and watch for file changes.
To create nuget package run
node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt packages --Major=1 --Minor=2 --Revision=2381
this will create a packages-build/ngyn-1.2.2381.nupkg