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Passing module to display

Scott McIntosh edited this page Aug 27, 2019 · 2 revisions


There is a feature built into the program that:

  1. Restricts the instances of it on any one computer to exactly one.
  2. Accepts an argument for the module to load on any execution that overrides the default module.


By executing the utility with a -mod moduleName argument you can cause any named module in your config to be loaded.

Other options

Some modules may have sub-modules support in their configuration. At present only the F-14 RIO configurations have sub-modules. Sub-modules are specified by the -submod command line option. For instance: -mod F-14RHV -submod BIT.


If you execute mfd4cts.exe -mod A-10CHVMFD3 the module named A-10CHVMFD3 will be searched for in the current config and if it is found it will be loaded. If the module is not found then an error is written to the error log and the program keeps the current config or on first execution does not load a module.

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