As developers, we wanted to create a Web App that will allow people to get recipe ideas based on the ingredients in their homes and suggest a beer paring. (please note the beer API has shut down, currently considering a substitution)
As a user,
WHEN I input the ingredients that I have,
THEN a list is created of those ingredients and stored locally.
WHEN the "Clear Ingredient" button is clicked,
THEN the ingredient list is cleared.
WHEN I click submit,
THEN recipe cards are generated from the ingredient list, with a beer to accompany them. (please note the beer API has shut down, currently considering a substitution)
WHEN I click on the recipe I choose,
THEN I am taken to a new tab that gives me the recipe.
WHEN the "Clear" button is clicked,
THEN the recipe list is cleared. \
- Type an ingredient in the ingredient field in the left sidebar.
- Click "Add Ingredient" or tap the "enter" key.
- Click the submit button in the main window.
- Select a recipe card and you are taken to a new tab with that recipe.
Developed by:
- Dylan Scrimshaw
- Lucas Bielinski
- James Horton
- Reed Martin
- Spoonacular
- Punk API (shut down)