- Create your virtual enviroment (I recommend venv for Windows and pyenv for any other OS) and install requirements.txt with pip (pip install -r requirements.txt).
- Enter into your virtual enviroment
- Go to the second Pyflap folder (where manage.py is) and run
python manage.py runserver
to run the app.
- Install your npm
- Go to the same folder as
- Run
npm install
thennpm run build
- Use to move the nodes (hold left click and drag).
- This button is used to edit TRANSITIONS too, just double click in any transition with it.
- Add a new state (node) clicking in any position of the canvas with the left mouse button.
- Remove state (node) or transition (edge) by clicking in it with left mouse button.
- Create a transition between 2 states, by draging and drop from one state to another (with left mouse button). To create loops, just drag a little bit off the node.
- Mark node as initial (with left mouse). It will be represented as a triangle (like q0 in the image).
- Mark/Unmark node as final. To mark use the left click, to unmark use right click. q2 is representing a final node, with the red color.
Below everything, we have a input box, to test our sentences.