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Repository containing the material of the Vespa Neural Search Tutorial


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This is the repository for all the material of the Vespa Neural Search Tutorial. Here you can find everything you need to deploy a simple Vespa system to do neural queries.

For a step-by-step description read our blog post.


To directly use the existing material, without generating documents and models by yourself, you only need:

  • vespa-cli 8.263.7

To create documents and models by yourself you also need:

  • python 3.11
  • torch 2.0.1
  • transformers 4.32.0
  • onnx 1.14.1

Repository content

  • documents: contains python script to generate Vespa documents from MS Marco data.
  • model: contains the python script to export the all-MiniLM-L6-v2 sentence transformer from HuggingFace in an ONNX format.
    • files: contains the all-MiniLM-L6-v2 model (minilm-l6-v2.onnx) and its vocabulary (vocab.txt)
  • schemas: contains the documents schema
  • services-xml: is the Vespa configuration file that defines the services that make up the application
  • vespa-feed-client-cli: is the folder containing the vespa-feed-client library


To install Vespa:

brew install vespa-cli

To generate the documents and models

You can skip this step if you want to use the already provided material.

To generate documents:


To export the neural model:

python --hf_model sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2 --output_dir files

To start Vespa

To start Vespa:

vespa config set target local
docker run --detach --name vespa --hostname vespa-container --publish 8080:8080 --publish 19071:19071 vespaengine/vespa
vespa deploy --wait 300

To index documents:

./vespa-feed-client-cli/vespa-feed-client --file ./documents/vespa_documents/collection_for_feeding.json --endpoint http://localhost:8080

To remove Vespa container:

docker rm -f vespa


Exact Nearest Neighbor Search

vespa query "yql=select * from doc where {approximate:false,targetHits: 100}nearestNeighbor(embedding, first_query)" "input.query(first_query)=embed(#of calories to eat to lose weight)" "ranking=pure_neural_rank"

Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search

vespa query "yql=select * from doc where {targetHits: 100}nearestNeighbor(embedding, first_query)" "input.query(first_query)=embed(#of calories to eat to lose weight)" "ranking=pure_neural_rank"

Approximate Nearest Neighbor with Filters

vespa query "yql=select * from doc where {targetHits: 100}nearestNeighbor(embedding, first_query) AND color contains 'yellow'" "input.query(first_query)=embed(#of calories to eat to lose weight)" "ranking=pure_neural_rank"

Adding a distanceThreshold:

vespa query "yql=select * from doc where {distanceThreshold: 5.2, targetHits: 100}nearestNeighbor(embedding, first_query) AND color contains 'yellow'" "input.query(first_query)=embed(#of calories to eat to lose weight)" "ranking=pure_neural_rank"

Approximate Nearest Neighbor with Multiple Vectors

vespa query "yql=select * from doc where {targetHits: 100}nearestNeighbor(multiple_embeddings, first_query)" "input.query(first_query)=embed(#of calories to eat to lose weight)" "ranking=multiple_pure_neural_rank"

Multiple Nearest Neighbor Search Operators in the Same Query

vespa query "yql=select * from doc where ({label:'first_query', targetHits:100}nearestNeighbor(embedding, first_query)) OR ({label:'second_query', targetHits:100}nearestNeighbor(embedding, second_query))" "ranking=pure_neural_rank" "input.query(first_query)=embed(#of calories to eat to lose weight)" "input.query(second_query)=embed(diet zone strategy)"

With the sum of closenesses as relevance:

vespa query "yql=select * from doc where ({label:'first_query', targetHits:100}nearestNeighbor(embedding, first_query)) OR ({label:'second_query', targetHits:100}nearestNeighbor(embedding, second_query))" "ranking=neural_rank_sum_closeness" "input.query(first_query)=embed(#of calories to eat to lose weight)" "input.query(second_query)=embed(diet zone strategy)"

Hybrid Sparse and Dense Retrieval

vespa query "yql=select * from doc where {targetHits: 100}nearestNeighbor(embedding, first_query) OR text contains 'exercise'" "type=weakAnd" "ranking=hybrid_rank" "input.query(first_query)=embed(#of calories to eat to lose weight)"

Passing weights:

vespa query "yql=select * from doc where {targetHits: 100}nearestNeighbor(embedding, first_query) OR text contains 'exercise'" "type=weakAnd" "ranking=hybrid_rank" "input.query(first_query)=embed(#of calories to eat to lose weight)" "ranking.features.query(textWeight)=0.5" "ranking.features.query(vectorWeight)=30"

Normalized hybrid Sparse and Dense Retrieval

vespa query "yql=select * from doc where {targetHits: 100}nearestNeighbor(embedding, first_query) OR text contains 'exercise'" "type=weakAnd" "ranking=normalized_hybrid_rank" "input.query(first_query)=embed(#of calories to eat to lose weight)"

Re-ranking with neural search

vespa query "yql=select * from doc where {targetHits: 100}nearestNeighbor(embedding, first_query) OR text contains 'exercise'" "type=weakAnd" "ranking=neural_rerank_profile" "input.query(first_query)=embed(#of calories to eat to lose weight)"


Repository containing the material of the Vespa Neural Search Tutorial







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