mvn clean mvn package
Create custom image
build my image
- docker build -t <tag_name> <path_to_dockerfile> --> docker build -t tomcat_1 .
- docker run <image_name>
- docker run -d <image_name>
- docker run -d tomcat_1
- docker run -d -p <local_port>:<container_port> <image_name>
- we also run multiple container with same image
- docker run -dp 8000:8080 tomcat_1
- docker run -dp 8001:8080 tomcat_1
login to container
- docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash
Docker Push and Pull Own Images
To Push into Docker hub, login to docker with your docker credentials
- docker login
- docker image tag tomcat_1:latest seetha123/pac_tomcat:latest
- docker image push seetha123/pac_tomcat:latest
Pull image from docker hub
- docker pull seetha123/pac_tomcat
- docker run -dp 8080:8080 seetha123/pac_tomcat
- Build tomcat application - custom docker image
- Push into docker hub registry
- SSH into Docker host
- pull latest tomcat custom image from docker hub registry
- run the tomcat container