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Condensate Chest

Sefiraat edited this page Jun 3, 2021 · 2 revisions
EMC Value (Vanilla) 355400

The chest in this craft is a Dissolution Chest

For more information on crafting, see Crafting

Condensing / Synthesizing Items

Shift + Right Clicking a Condensate Chest while holding an item will 'set' it's production item. Once the item is set, the chest will begin to produce 1 item per second assuming the owning player has enough EMC to do so.

Items dissolved in this manner are added to the player's learned items and can be recalled through the Transmutation Orb.

Items must a) have an EMC value and b) not have item meta (can't be enchanted, renamed or from an unsupported plugin).

Shift + Right click while holding nothing to stop production

EMC objects must be chunkloaded to function

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