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Objetivo: Construir uma API Codeigniter PHP para buscar uma proteína template para modelagem comparativa.


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Welcome to CodeIgniter RESTful-API Learning!

Autor: Selene Melo Using composer


Objetivo: construir uma API Codeigniter para buscar uma proteína template para modelagem comparativa. Modelagem comparativa é quando se modela a estrutura 3d de uma proteína com base em uma estrutura parecida. Geralmente, precisamos de duas métricas: identidade (deve ser maior que 25%) e cobertura (deve ser maior que 50%).

Funcionamento: Recebe a sequência como entrada, compara ela contra todo o PDB usando blast (ex. de como fazer isso aqui: Por fim, pega o melhor resultado e retorna na API.


  1. Download PHP;
  2. Download Composer or Artisan; //gerenciador de dependências
  3. Install frameworks (Laravel, CodeIgniter)

Representational State Transfer API

  1. GET: Retrieve resources
  2. POST: Create resources
  3. PUT: Update resources
  4. DELETE: Delete resources
  • Framework: Laravel or CodeIgniter
  • Requests: PHP, VScode, Postman, Wamp, GitBash
  • Dependency manager: Artisan or Composer

Command lines to start server:

 $ composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel learning 
 $ php artisan serve //start server
Laravel development server started pointed to: 

Or, using CodeIgniter4:

 $ composer create-project codeigniter4/appstarter
 $ cd meusite/spark
 $ php spark serve
 CodeIgniter development server started pointed to: http://localhost:8080
  • O arquivo Spark é o gerenciador (script php) que gerencia o servidor web;

Start building:

* Setting development mode

  1. env is a file that contains server-specific settings. Start by renaming it to .env
  2. Uncomment the line with CI_ENVIROMENT and change production to development
  3. A controller is a class that reads information from the request object and creates and return a reponse object, which could be a HTML page, JSON, XML, a file download, a redirect link or a 404 error. The controller runs whatever arbitrary logic your application needs to render the content of a page.
  4. The controller will become the center of every request to your web application
  5. We refer to a controller with $this
  6. We have made the controller. The next thing is to set routing rules. Routing associates a URI with a controller’s method.


  1. run nblast

* Running development server

  1. Inside of your site file, start server and go to the localhost page;
  2. If you would like to edit your page you will find it located at:
  1. The corresponding controller for this page can be found at:

A look into PHP

  1. PHP is a hypertext language used especially suited for web development and can be embbeded into HTML;
  2. PHP code is enclosed with special start and end processing instructions and executed on the server, generating a plain HTML that is then send to the client;
  3. Uses CSS and JavaScript for creating pages and edting styles;
  4. Primarily, we're going to focus on
    1. Model-View-Controller Architecture
    2. Routing basics
    3. Form validation
    4. Performing database queries


  • Upload database (extensions must be .php) and add its credentials to the .env file located in the root of the project.
    • DB_DATABASE = learning
    • DB_USERNAME = root
    • DB_PASSWORD = empty
  • Run $ php artisan make:model Article -m
  • Go to class CreateUsersTable() and add two lines:
    • $table->string('title')
    • $table->string('body')
  • Run $ php artisan migrate (once migrated, the database are full)
  • Activate XAMPP control Panel and start MYSQL
  • Go to app/Providers/AppServiceProvider and on:
    public function boot():
  • Add the library:
    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
  • Acess: http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
  • Run:$ php artisan make:controller Country\CountryController
  • Go to: Routes/api.php/ and add Route::get('country', [CountryController::class, 'country']);
  • Go to: app\http\Controllers\CountryCountryController.php and add: public function country(){ //here. we need a model. Let's create:
  • Run: $ php artisan make:model Models\CountryModel
  • Go to: ModelsCountryModel.php and add the structure informations of the class _z_country. You can find the collumn informations on phpmyadmin protected $table = '_z_country'; protected $fillable = [ 'iso', 'name', 'dname', 'iso3', 'position', 'numcode', 'phonecode', 'created', 'register_by', 'modified', 'modified_by', 'record_deleted' ];
  • Go back to app\http\Controllers\CountryCountryController.php , add the library use App\Models\CountryModel; and fill the new function that we've just created with: public function country(){ return response()->json(CountryModel::get(), 200); }
  • Start the server. Go to the localhost url and type:


Objetivo: Construir uma API Codeigniter PHP para buscar uma proteína template para modelagem comparativa.





