MicroStrategyIServerScripts provide different scripts for the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server:
- isstate.py: Script to show the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server's status
- isversion.py: Script to show the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server's version
- isstart.py: Script to start the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server and check the state afterwards
- isstop.py: Script to stop the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server and check the state afterwards
- isterminate.py: Script to terminate the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server (Hardcore-stopping the Intelligence Server)
- isrestart.py: Script to restart the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server
The script was written and tested in Python 2.6.8 but runs as well in Python 3.
To add those scripts, copy the py-Files to your server under the /root-Folder and change the mode to be executable via:
chmod 755 isstate.py
chmod 755 isstart.py
chmod 755 isstop.py
chmod 755 isversion.py
chmod 755 isterminate.py
chmod 755 isrestart.py
python isstate.py
python isstart.py
python isstop.py
python isversion.py
python isterminate.py
python isrestart.py
Create a new file (if it doesn’t already exist) in the / folder (e.g. /root) called .bashrc and add the aliases from Bash.basrc. Or copy the file Bash.basrc to the server and rename it to .bashrc.
You will need to change the paths in the scripts to your MicroStrategy Intelligence Server's installation file.
See the Changelog.