Video Duplicate Finder is a cross-platform software to find duplicated video (and image) files on hard disk based on similiarity. That means unlike other duplicate finders this one does also finds duplicates which have a different resolution, frame rate and even watermarked.
- Cross-platform
- Fast scanning speed
- Ultra fast rescan
- Finds duplicate videos / images based on similarity
- Windows GUI, Linux GUI and multi-OS Console
FFmpeg and FFprobe is required.
Latest build: (You need to download FFmpeg and FFprobe yourself, see below!)
FFmpeg and FFprobe are already included except for AppVeyor builds. Otherwise get latest package from and extract ffmpeg.exe and ffprobe into the same directory where VideoDuplicateFinderWindows.exe is placed in.
Install latest ffmpeg and ffprobe the usual way and verify PATH environment variable is set. Also make sure you got libgdiplus installed.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
sudo apt-get install libgdiplus
Video Duplicate Finder is licensed under GPLv3
Video Duplicate Finder uses ffmpeg / ffprobe (not included) which is licesed under LGPL 2.1 / GPL v2
- Daily .NET Core 3.x SDK builds
- Visual Studio 2019
- For Linux: Avalonia