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Backend of ASCE Web App

Table of Contents

About the Project


This demonstrates the implementation of the Back - End portion of the ASCE WEB Capstone Project with FASTAPI and the Python 3 programming language. It is able to work in conjunction with the Front - End of the aformentioned project and a MySQL Database composed of three (3) relational tables; these being: Admins Table, Competitions Table and Members Table, with the purpose of handling various responsibilities, such as:

  • Data input validation from the front end,
  • The addition, deletion and updation of entries from the three (3) tables,
  • Administrators' Account Authentication, and
  • Data hashing.

Getting Started


In order to use, test and modify the Back - End, the following pieces of software requirements must be met:

1.Git: As stated in the homepage of its website (,

Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.

For the purposes of this project, it will be used to communicate with the GitHub website so as to download this repository; as well as make updates to it. The link of Git's Download Page is here.

2.Python 3: This is one of the various high - level programming languages that are currently in use today. The version that the Back - End uses is Python 3.10.5, and it can be downloaded from here. With that being said, if another version of Python 3 is desired, go to

3.List of Python 3's Dependency Libraries: This software depends of various pieces of code, known as libraries, created by the Python Community. The list of dependencies is shown below:

  • anyio: 3.6.2
  • cffi: 1.15.1
  • click: 8.1.3
  • colorama: 0.4.6
  • cryptography: 40.0.2
  • DateTime: 5.1
  • dnspython: 2.3.0
  • email-validator: 2.0.0.post2
  • fastapi: 0.95.1
  • greenlet: 2.0.2
  • gunicorn: 20.0.4
  • h11: 0.14.0
  • idna: 3.4
  • MarkupSafe: 2.1.2
  • mysql: 0.0.3
  • mysqlclient: 2.1.1
  • pycparser: 2.21
  • pydantic: 1.10.7
  • PyMySQL: 1.0.2
  • pytz: 2023.3
  • sniffio: 1.3.0
  • SQLAlchemy: 1.4.46
  • starlette: 0.26.1
  • typing_extensions: 4.5.0
  • uvicorn: 0.20.0
  • Werkzeug: 2.3.1
  • zope.interface: 6.0
  • PyJWT: 2.6.0
  • zope.interface: 6.0
  • python-dateutil: 2.8.2

NOTE: Do not worry about installing all of these libraries individually, an easier alternative will be shown in the next subsection.

4.Visual Studio Code: Also know as VS Code, this is a text editor created by the Microsoft Corporation that can be used to compile, debug and run computer programs with their own programming languages, like Python, C and C++. This is the link of the Download Page of the program.


Given that it all depends on the Operating System (OS) being used, after installing Git, Python 3 and Visual Studio Code by following their respective installation steps, the software found in this repository can be now installed. As such, the steps are as follows:

1.Go to the location where the repository is wanted to be downloaded, an example of this location can be in the Downloads folder found in the Windows, Mac and Linux Operating Systems. For this guide, a Windows OS is being used, so: C:\Users{userId}\Downloads, is the location path. It should be noted that {userId} is the name of the user of the Windows account.

2.In such a location open Command Prompt (CMD) or the Terminal if using Linux or Mac, and type:

git clone {git_url}

It should be noted that the {git_url} of the repository can be found by clicking on the green button with the < > Code found in the webpage of the repository of An example of a real Git URL with the previous command is:

git clone

After the GitHub Repository has been finally downloaded, a new folder, namely: asceweb_app_backend, should appear.

3.Start the Visual Studio Code text editor program and click on File -> Open Folder, and a new box that will ask for a folder name should appear. The location of the newly downloaded folder should be set, like: C:\Users{userId}\Downloads\asceweb_app_backend. After the folder has been opened in Visual Studio Code, the following list of contents should appear on the left side of the screen:

	> _pycache_
	> Backend
	> img

4.In Visual Studio Code go to Terminal -> New Terminal, and, well, a new terminal should appear in the program. In it, one should be able to write; henceforth, the following line should be written followed by an ENTER:

python -m venv venv

if using Linux or Mac, write:

python3 -m venv venv

After this command completes its execution, a new folder should appear, as shown below:

	> _pycache_
	> Backend
	> img
	> venv

5.In the terminal run this next command:


If using Linux or Mac, the following command should be run instead:

source venv/bin/activate 

After this, the terminal should display a new text, i.e.: (venv). This means that a new Python Virtual Enviroment has been created and activated for the development of this application!

6.Now, to install all of the Python 3's library dependencies for this software application, the next command should be used:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If using Linux or Mac, run this command instead:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

After all the requirements have been installed, the program should be good to go!


In order to run this program for development purposes, the following command should be run:

uvicorn main:app --reload

A new webpage should open in the web browser with the URL link of Now, in the web browser, where such an URL link is, it should be changed for: Now, the following images should be seen:


Finally! You now have access locally to the Back - End!

Testing this with new ownership.


The backend / framework of the ASCE WEB website







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Contributors 3

