WHAT IS IT? This is a basic encryption program created by Tyler Serio circa June 2021. It takes text files and uses a simple encryption algorithm on them.
WHAT DOES IT DO? This program take the first 13 letters of the alphabet and swaps them with the last 13, and also switches the last 13 for the first 13. Doing this to a file obfuscates its meaning and is a basic form of encryption.
HOW DOES IT DO IT? The program lists the letters of the alphabet as a dictionary, with each letter being a key that matches to its corresponding letter in the other half of the alphabet. This dictionary is then used to change the letters of the input file, encrypting it.
HOW DO I USE IT? You simply run the program and follow the instructions. Files in your input folder will be available for encryption/decryption and the output from the algorithm will be stored in the output folder. To decrypt files in your output folder, simply move them to your input folder.
WHAT FILES ARE INCLUDED? This program comes with an "input" and an "output" folder. Both are required for the program to function properly. If they are missing somehow, it is easy (using the Windows OS) to simply right-click and add new folders (giving them the proper name of course). The program also comes with the required Python files and libraries, the necessary .dll files, and the ROT13Encryptor.py file too. All are required.
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