Cheat Keybinds (Serp) to easily test mods.
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Adds some keybinds for cheats to easier test the mod:
- End -> all ships super fast
- Shift+End -> Ship currently in selected shipyard production gets instantly completed
- Control+Insert -> Build costs are ignored (but you still can go bankrupt)
- Control+End -> finish a portion of selected monument building phase, hit multiple times to finish it
- Insert -> Fills all residences with full population (does not work in creative mode)
- Shift+Insert -> gives you 100k coins
- Alt+Insert -> gives you up to 1000 of every already unlocked good to the island you are currently hovering over
- Alt+End -> Instantly finishes the current active research from research institute
- Shift+Home -> increase attractivity of current island by 1000
- Alt+Home -> provides one of each researchable godlike
- Control+Home -> End all current active Expeditions successfully
- Home -> Change Reputation (default +10) from the Owner of Selection towards you
- Control+F12 -> fast quit the game without saving